Sayyada Safiya Ibrahim Niasse’s Birthday

She is among the noble daughters of Maulana Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse RTA and Her name is Maulatuna Saida Safiya Ebrahima Niasse RTA. She is the daughter Who took the Arabic alphabets and Memorize the whole Quran in the direct Hands of Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse RTA to its Completion. After She Competed the Memorization of the […]

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Shaykh Ibrahim’s Passing Anniversary

THE LAST JOURNEY OF SHAYKH IBRAHIM NIASSE THE LAST JOURNEY OF SHAYKH IBRAHIM NIASSE (RTA) – PART 1 (FROM KAOLACK, TO DAKAR)  The last journey of Shaykh al-Islam, Alhaji Ibrahim Niass took place in the year June 1975 corresponding to Jumada thani of the year 1395 AH. He informed his household that he wanted to […]

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Shaykh Mahi Cisse in Ghana and C.I 2021

Shaykh Mahi with Ben Omar and Shaykh Diery Cisse in Ghana Here with some devoted murids A Book Reading THE POSITION OF THE NOCTURNAL JOURNEY AND THE HEAVENLY ASCENSION AMONG THE CRUCIAL ISLAMIC EVENTS.  The nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension are a far-reaching topic in the life of the Islamic Community. They are among the […]

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Shaykh Mahi Cisse’s Ramadan Umra 2021

Shaykh Mahi Cisse with fellow murids in Mecca. Sayyidi Ibrahim Cisse, son of Shaykh Mahi Cisse Shaykh Mahi walking in the streets of Madina Munawwara. Shaykh Mahi breaking fast in Madina on 4/28/21 Shaykh Mahi initiating a new murid from India to the Tariqa Tijaniyya. Alhamdulillah. May Allah guide further the new Murid. Ameen. News […]

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Shaykh Salis Shaban had passed away

Late Shaykh Salis Shaban, true murid of Maulana Shaykh Ibrahim Niass has left this world after decades of service to Allah, The Prophet Muhammad and the people of Ghana and Africa. He passed away on Tuesday, 27th of April 2021. May Allah forgive him his shortcomings and reunite him with his mentor, his Shaykh al-Hajj […]

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Blessed Activities in Madina Baye. Ramadan 2021.

Both Shaykh Mahi Cisse and Imam Tijani Cisse are staying busy this blessed month of Ramadan to serve Allah, the community of Madina Baye and the whole world with the daily Tafsir of the Noble Qur’an. May Allah increase their state among the lovers of the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Ameen. The Khalif General […]

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Recent Deaths of Some Prominent Tijani Shaykhs

Shaykh Bachir Niasse was the son of Sayyada Umm Sulayman, daughter of shaykh Ibrahima Niasse. She was said to be the first daughter of Shaykh Ibrahim to marry a Yoruba (a well known Dialect in Nigeria) murid of Shaykh Ibrahima Niasse. Shaykh Faruq bin Shaykh malan Sani Kafanga, was the son of the eminent scholar […]

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Shaykh Mahi Cisse visited by Egyptian Scholars.

Book Reading: The Nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension Shaykh Ibrahim’s Opinion Concerning the Nocturnal journey and Whether it was Performed in the Spirit or in the Body.  Shaykh Ibrahim RA has said:  “Glory be to the One who carried His servant!’ He has called him His servant in three places (in the Qur’an), namely:  […]

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Maulud Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse in Nigeria. Year 2021 Edition.

Last week, countless Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse followers, sympathizers, curious, murids… flocked to Sokoto in Nigeria to participate to the annual Maulid celebration for Shaykh Ibrahima Niasse; which is his birthday celebrated in the month of Rajab according to the Islamic calendar (that started on the year of the exile of the Holy Prophet Muhammad from […]

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