Sayyada Safiya Ibrahim Niasse’s Birthday

She is among the noble daughters of Maulana Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse RTA and Her name is Maulatuna Saida Safiya Ebrahima Niasse RTA. She is the daughter Who took the Arabic alphabets and Memorize the whole Quran in the direct Hands of Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse RTA to its Completion. After She Competed the Memorization of the […]

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Shaykh Salis Shaban had passed away

Late Shaykh Salis Shaban, true murid of Maulana Shaykh Ibrahim Niass has left this world after decades of service to Allah, The Prophet Muhammad and the people of Ghana and Africa. He passed away on Tuesday, 27th of April 2021. May Allah forgive him his shortcomings and reunite him with his mentor, his Shaykh al-Hajj […]

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Maulid Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse 2021

Literature on Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse: The Maqam of Sahib al Faydah is not a public cake for everyone to have his Share. This Maqam is ONLY for Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse رضي الله عنه وعنا به آمين. Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad b Muhammad al Tijani رضي الله عنه وعنا به آمين said, تاتى الفيضة على أصحابي […]

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Shaykh Ibrahim’s Grandson has died.

(Composed by a Tijani Murid on FB 2/17/21) Book Study: The Nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension    HIS LEADING THE PROPHETS IN THE RITUAL PRAYER  According to the hadîth transmitted on the authority of Abu Hurayra, the Prophet (PBUH) said:  I saw myself in a congregation of the Prophets. The time of the ritual prayer arrived, so I led […]

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Sayyada Barakah Ibrahima Niasse has passed away

Islam the Religion of Peace ..The Muslim is entrusted-and this is a secretentrusted to him by his Lord-with sending greetings of peaceon his Prophet (PBUH), on himself, and on the righteousservants of Allah.As for the sphere of war and battle: if the word ofpeace should be pronounced on the tongue of the enemycombatant, it is […]

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