Maulid of Imam Hassan Cissé 2024.

Happy Maulid to our Master Imam Hassan Cisse RTA. We are delighted to celebrate his birth. May Allah continue to be satisfied with him. Ameen. Imam Hassan, our leader, had attracted tremendous Muslims and non-Muslims throughout his journey in calling to Islam. His style and leadership have been far unmatched within our contemporary world. His […]

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Birthday of Shaykh al Islam, Sh. Ibrahima Niasse.

Rajab is the month of the birth of the Shaykh al Islam, al hajj Ibrahima Niasse. SPIRIT OF GOOD MORALSByShaykh of IslamShaykh Ibrahim NiasseTranslation and CommentaryByCHIEF IMAM OF MEDINA KAOLACK SENEGALShaykh Hassan CisseSecond EditionCompiled & EditedByAlh. Abdul Hakim Halim (late)Published byTHE AFRICAN AMERICAN ISLAMIC INSTITUTEShaykh Hassan Ali Cisse Founder, Shaykh Tijani Ali Cisse Chairman, Preface(Page […]

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Happy Birthday Shaykh Mahi Cisse

Shaykh Mahi Cisse leading Friday prayer in Madina Baye, Senegal. According to Sheikh Mahi, Baye Niasse (Shaykh Ibrahima Niasse) said: “The moment you invoke Allah, at that moment you are a wali (saint). That is why you must invoke Allah in any situation, in any place, in appearance as well as in the hidden.” No […]

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Birthday of Imam Hassan Cisse 2023

Shaykh Hassan Cisse was an Islamic Scholar, Sufi Shaykh and Humanitarian activist who served as Imam of an International Muslim community in Medina Baye in Kaolack, Senegal. He was born on the 4th Dec. 1945 which is equivalent to 29th Dhu’l Hijja 1364 AH. Shaykh Hassan passed from this world on August 14, 2008. Born: […]

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Jummah Mubarak

Ruhul Adab Making fun of others, backbiting and sitting with evil people                                     Obscene behavior, slander and an evil ego Likewise, the passions of the ego, so do not follow them                                     And in worldly things show restraint without always following Be one attached to the house and withdrawal from people                                     Do not enjoy […]

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Maulid Imam Hassan Cisse RTA

Asalamu alaykum. This year, the birth date of Imam Hassan (Hijiri) coincides almost with his passing anniversary (gregorian). Therefore in this blog we will be presenting both events insha Allah. The last three pictures above are part of a documentation for the last day of Imam Hassan Cisse RTA on earth. On the picture right […]

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Shaykh Mahi Cisse in Spain

Ruhul Adab If you are afflicted with difficulty and disaster                          Be patient. Relief and happiness will follow For ever night is followed by day                           And every difficulty is followed by ease              Nay! After every difficulty is double the ease                           As has come down from Ahmad, the Adnânî When you have understood that, […]

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words of Wisdom

“You should know that people were only veiled from Allah (Exalted is He) by their satisfaction with other than Him. If it were not for that, they would all see Him directly with their eyes.”– Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him) Shaykh Ibrahim Niass is the only Tijani Shaykh to ever publish […]

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Ruhul Adab

Spend what you have inherited and earned with seeking                      His pleasure, and respond to his signals and you will hit the mark Satisfy your Shaykh, even if he should make you cry,                      Because verily he has guided you to good And covet your time with utmost covetousness,                       Be warned that you will […]

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