Maulud Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse in Nigeria. Year 2021 Edition.

Last week, countless Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse followers, sympathizers, curious, murids… flocked to Sokoto in Nigeria to participate to the annual Maulid celebration for Shaykh Ibrahima Niasse; which is his birthday celebrated in the month of Rajab according to the Islamic calendar (that started on the year of the exile of the Holy Prophet Muhammad from […]

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Maulid Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse 2021

Literature on Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse: The Maqam of Sahib al Faydah is not a public cake for everyone to have his Share. This Maqam is ONLY for Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse رضي الله عنه وعنا به آمين. Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad b Muhammad al Tijani رضي الله عنه وعنا به آمين said, تاتى الفيضة على أصحابي […]

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