Shaykh Ibrahim’s Grandson has died.

(Composed by a Tijani Murid on FB 2/17/21) Book Study: The Nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension    HIS LEADING THE PROPHETS IN THE RITUAL PRAYER  According to the hadîth transmitted on the authority of Abu Hurayra, the Prophet (PBUH) said:  I saw myself in a congregation of the Prophets. The time of the ritual prayer arrived, so I led […]

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Sayyada Barakah Ibrahima Niasse has passed away

Islam the Religion of Peace ..The Muslim is entrusted-and this is a secretentrusted to him by his Lord-with sending greetings of peaceon his Prophet (PBUH), on himself, and on the righteousservants of Allah.As for the sphere of war and battle: if the word ofpeace should be pronounced on the tongue of the enemycombatant, it is […]

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