Imam Tijani Landed in Nigeria

Ruhul Adab Commentary by Imam Hassan Cisse 4. Taking Tariqa The question people usually ask is … “If Tarîqa is based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah, why is there then the need for initiation?” Tarîqa or Sufism is the last stage of worship of Allah, which is the position of seeking righteousness, or IHSAN. […]

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Baba Lamine in Morocco

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse           Shaykh Ahmad Tijânî himself was once asked, “Will false statements be attributed to you after you?” He replied, “Yes” and to this reply he was asked, “What is the way out? He then remarked thus: “If you hear anything attributed to me, then weigh it with the […]

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The Khalifa General meettings with Scholars

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse         The Tarîqa Tijâniyya is an ocean of jewels and a treasure trove of satisfaction that puts Muslims on the path of the Prophet SAW. First by cleansing them of their faulty deeds using ISTIGHFAR, then by acquiring for them love with the Creator by the Salât on […]

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Shaykh Mahi Hosted a Conference in Seattle.

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse Allah has also warned that we should not be among those that forget Him, as in the Qur’an 59:19 “And do not be like those who forget Allah and He made them forget their own souls. Those are indeed the transgressors.” Thus only the hypocrite and transgressor forgets […]

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Shaykh Mahi Heading to Seattle.

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse. SALAT-‘ALA- NABIYY            This is the second article of the Tarîqa and it means, to offer prayers on the beloved Prophet SAW. Anyone who exercises mind very well, knows that the Prophet SAW does not need our prayers, not even in the least. For Allah, Glorious is His […]

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Highlights of New York Events. Alhamdulillah.

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse         Allah SWT gave glad tidings to the prophet SAW in the Qur’an 48:1-2 when He said: “Verity We have granted you (Oh Prophet) a manifest victory, that Allah may forgive your past and future sins…”         The above statement of Allah is enough to put the Prophet […]

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Shaykh Mahi landed in New York City.

Shaykh Mahi Cisse landed in New York City on Thrursday December 12, for the Ziara of Imam Hassan Cisse. Ruhul Adab 3. Tarîqa Tijâniyya      This means the call to the path of the Prophet SAW by Shaykh Ahmad Tijâni RA. This call enjoins the Muslims to hearken to the path of the Prophet SAW […]

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Shaykh Mahi Cisse hosted the Red Cross and American Ambassy personel

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse 2.  Importance of the Basmala       In a sound tradition, the Prophet SAW said: “Any work not started with Basmala is devoid of blessing.” He also said similarly for Alhamdulillah. While Bismillah signifies that everything can only begin and occur with the will of Allah, Alhamdulillah recognizes that all […]

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