Ruhul Adab

  1. Spend what you have inherited and earned with seeking

                     His pleasure, and respond to his signals and you will hit the mark

  • Satisfy your Shaykh, even if he should make you cry,

                     Because verily he has guided you to good

  • And covet your time with utmost covetousness,

                      Be warned that you will be afflicted with decline

  • When you see the manifestation of beauty

                              Do not exceed limits, and be patient with the manifestation of Glory

  • For all of that is what has been enacted by the Decree of God,

                        Who is far too Exalted to be blamed for what He has enacted

  • Do not feel injury when you experience

                         The abuse of the creation; for that were you created

  • Abuse appears from them so that you will no depend

                          on them; Nay only on God rely!