Shaykh Hassan Cisse was an Islamic Scholar, Sufi Shaykh and Humanitarian activist who served as Imam of an International Muslim community in Medina Baye in Kaolack, Senegal. He was born on the 4th Dec. 1945 which is equivalent to 29th Dhu’l Hijja 1364 AH. Shaykh Hassan passed from this world on August 14, 2008.

Born: Sheikh Hassan Ali Sisi was born in Kaolack, Senegal in December 1945
He is the first grandson of the Sheikh of Islam Haj Ibrahim Niasse, son of Sidi Ali Cisse and Fatima Zahra, daughter of Sheikh Ibrahim, may Allah be pleased with them.
His scientific qualifications:
With the honor of Allah, the whole Holy Quran was preserved at the age of ten.
At the hands of his grandfather, Sheikh Ibrahim, he learned the principles of religion and foundations of Arabic.
Bachelor of Arts (Bachelor of Islamic Studies and Islamic Literature), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
English diploma University of London England.
Diploma of French Language University of London England
Ph.D. researcher entitled ′′ Philosophy in Islamic Studies Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

We miss dearly our Imam, Shaykh Hassan Cisse, may Allah be well pleased with him eternally. Ameen.