Blessed Life of Qutb al Maktum, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani.

HIS MEETING WITH THE CHIEFTAIN OF EXISTENCE ﷺ IN WAKEFULNESS. In the year 1196 A.H. in which Sidna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani r.a made transition from Tilmisan to Abu Samghun, Allah by His magnificent favor, granted him a manifest and complete opening (Al-Fat’h). That is, his seeing the face of the Chieftain of Existence ﷺ in a state of wakefulness (Yaqzatan) and not in a dream. He was honored with witnessing the luminous emergence of the Leader of the sons of Adnan, May Allah Grant Him Peace, Blessings, Honor, Esteem and Greatness. Ameen. HE ﷺ DECLARED TO HIM THAT HE IS HIS SHAYKH AND NURTURER. The Chieftain of Existence ﷺ declared to Sidna Shaykh r.a that he is his Master, Instructor and Patron. And that, there is no one who has power over him among the creations except him ﷺ. He ordained him to leave everything he has taken from the Shaykhs of the (previous) Paths. When the flow of Allah comes, all other strongholds are abolished for sure. And it is known that there is no excellence in detaching from that which is gotten from the Messenger ﷺ concerning the Path (Tariqa) and Litanies which are sufficient for all purpose and aim. HOLD FAST TO THIS PATH WITHOUT SECLUSION AND ISOLATION, He ﷺ said to him: Hold fast to this path without seclusion and isolation from the people, until you reach your station (Maqam) which you are promised and you are in your state (Hāl), without hardship and difficulty, and without so much effort. He then ordained him to hold tightly what he directed him towards and refrain from the distractions.

AS FOR THE CHAIN OF OUR PATH (TARIQA), Sidna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani r.a said to some of his companions in a response to them concerning the chain of the Path: “As for your question concerning the chain of our Path, we have indeed took from numerous Shaykhs peace be upon them, but we did not get our aim from them. As for our Master and Means of access in this Path, then he is the Chieftain of Existence ﷺ. Verily! Allah granted to us complete opening through his hands by his meeting and we do not have anyone else aside him. LIKE THE SAHABAH (COMPANIONS)The Paths of the Saints all return to one origin and they all meet at the presence of the Chieftain of Existence ﷺ, only that they pass through long chains and intermediaries. As for the Path (Tariqa) of Sidna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani r.a, it is absolved of intermediaries. The fertile Path came to us from initiation of our Supportive Pole (Qudwat) by the Best of Creations like he brought for the Companions the religion of Islam, May Allah bestow him blessings and peace. Ameen.

GLAD TIDINGS IN HIS EARLY DAYS. We will mention here some glad tidings that manifested to our Shaykh in the early part of his life which shows the Sublimity of his affairs and greatness of his status and position. He did not have a dream except that it came to pass after some time like Sidna Shaykh r.a, informed us. This is so, as the vision of a truthful person shows what his future holds ahead of him. The Prophet ﷺ began to receive revelation after he first had a good dream, and he never had a vision except that it surely came to pass.

I SAW MYSELF DURING CHILDHOOD ESTABLISHED ON A MAJESTIC CHAIR: Among the visions of our Shaykh which signifies what is to occur during the later years of his lifetime is his saying: I saw myself when I was young before maturity, like it was brought to me a majestic chair and I was sitting on it. Around me were many soldiers who I command to carry out my wishes, just like I am a king. This is a dream I had in Ain Madhi.

A VISION WHICH POINTED AT ALL HIS STATES: Sidna Shaykh r.a said again that, I saw a dream which points to me how all my states would be. I saw him ﷺ riding on a horse, then I said to myself while going to him that, if I greet him while he is still on the horse, then I will not achieve my aim. And if I greet him while he is not on the horse, then I will achieve my aim without stress. When I got to him ﷺ, I saw he already got down from the horse and I greeted him. That was how it occurred to me in that dream. When I greeted him, he entered into the garden of a man in Ain Madhi and began to observe the prayer. When I intended to join him, while I was making intention, he already completed the first Unit (Raka’ah) and I joined him in the second Unit (Raka’ah), then I completed the prayer with him till we made Salam. In that situation, it occurred to me that half of my life will be spent without me achieving anything of my aim, and in the second half, I will achieve my aim. And so did the matter took place. To Allah is all Gratitude and Glory. Alam Tursil Al-Khatmat Tijāniya Khātiman /== Wa A’laytahu Fauqash Shuyūkhil Akābiri__________________To be continued…May Allah grant us the blessings of the Remembrance and increase in us the love of the Shaykh Ahmad Tijani and closeness to him. Ameen.

Posted by a devoted murid on the social medias. May Allah accept. Ameen.

Ain Madhi is the city in modern day Algeria where the Qutb al Maktum, Sayyidina Shaykh Ahmad Tijani RTA was born.

Shaykh Ibrahim ibn Shaykh Mahi Cisse was in Ghana for the celebration of the Birthday of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani RTA.

A Book Reading

Islam, the Religion of Peace

We find balanced moderation in everything about
which the Qur’ân speaks. The complete meaning of balance is
readily evident in the Qur’ân’s discussion of the ephemeral
world and the Afterlife; of reward and punishment; of the
soul (nafs), the spirit (rûh), and the body; of the heavens and
the earth; of the night and the day; of fear and hope; of
contemplation and action; of good and evil; of justice and
(‘adl) and preference (fadl). And this is found throughout the

Moderation in Conviction

Allah the Most High said: “O people of the Book!
Do not commit excess in your religion, nor say of Allah other
than the truth. Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was (no more
than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word bestowed on
Mary, and a spirit from Him. So, believe in Allah and His
Messengers, and do not speak of a ‘Trinity’. Cease: it will be
better for you! Allah is only One God. Glorified is He above
having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on
earth. And Allah suffices as a Trustee
.” Qur’ân 4:171. The
intent here is staying within the limits of the religion, and
such was the affair of Jesus, upon whom be peace: Allah the
Glorified prohibited people from belittling Jesus by putting
him outside his station (manzila), or by raising him above his

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…to be continued in shaa Allah

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