Sayyada Safiya Ibrahim Niasse’s Birthday

She is among the noble daughters of Maulana Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse RTA and Her name is Maulatuna Saida Safiya Ebrahima Niasse RTA. She is the daughter Who took the Arabic alphabets and Memorize the whole Quran in the direct Hands of Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse RTA to its Completion. After She Competed the Memorization of the Quran, Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse said to Her to Learn and Master the French Language and that She should Serve.

In 1988, after Her Masters in Economics, She travelled and Went to the United State (New Jersey) and saw lots of Mureeds (followers) and Lovers of Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse but they were not settled at one place So she decided to get a house in the name of Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse RTA. In doing that she will propagate the Association Ansaroudeen which sole purpose was to see the functioning of Mureeds on Path across the World positively. In 1989, She came back home in Senegal on Vacation to Seek Permission from Her brother Shaykh Abdullahi Niasse RTA (The then Khalifa ( Successor) of Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse) The Khalifa accepted the idea and Prayed for Her and gave her the Permission. She Went back to the State and today We have KAR-BAYE, a house combined with School and Mosque in the name of Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse RTA. May Allah be Pleased With Mama. Happy Birthday Mama Safiya Ebrahim Niasse RTA.

Source: FB post from a devoted follower.

Eid Al Kabir 2021

A Book Read

The Nocturnal Journey

 O Allah! I am complaining to You about the feebleness of my strength, the paucity of my aptitude, and my being an object of contempt in the sight of the people. O Most Merciful of the merciful! You are the Lord of the oppressed and You are my Lord. If you assign me to a stranger who frowns on me, or to an enemy whom You have put in charge of my business, I do not care, so long as You are not angry with me, but your Providence is more abundant for me. I take refuge with the light of Your Countenance – for which the darknesses have turned bright, and on which the business of this world and the Hereafter has prospered – from being afflicted with Your anger or stricken with Your displeasure. The outcome is at Your disposal, so that You may be well pleased. There is no might or any power except with You! 

The visitation of the Nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension occurred after that, as an honor bestowed upon him by Allah SWT, as a renewal of his steadfast determination and his firm resolve, and as a confirmation of Allah’s SWT saying: 

And as for those who strive in Our cause, surely We shall guide them in Our ways. Allah is surely with those who do good. (29:69) 

To be continued in shaa Allah…

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