Shaykh Mahi Cisse in Ghana and C.I 2021

Shaykh Mahi Cisse and Shaykh Ben Omar in Ghana

Shaykh Mahi with Ben Omar and Shaykh Diery Cisse in Ghana

Here with some devoted murids

Shaykh Mahi with the chief Imam of Ghana, Shaykh Sharubutu.

Here in Cote d’Ivoire with Shareef Abdoul Aziz and some devoted murids.

A Book Reading

The Nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension


The nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension are a far-reaching topic in the life of the Islamic Community. They are among the decisive criteria by which the distinction was drawn between the era of Mecca and the era of Medina. That is because the polytheists were at the summit of their persecution of the Muslims, having gone to extreme lengths in inflicting harm upon them and upon Allah’s Messenger SAW, so that Mecca became intolerably constricted for him. He could no longer remain in their midst, on account of the oppression and the many forms of trial and tribulation inflicted upon him and upon his Companions. 

     All of that was due to Quraysh, so the state of affairs compelled him to emigrate to at-Ta’if, in the hope of finding a refuge for spreading the summons (to Islam) on more solid ground, but they treated him badly. They set their children and their village idiots against him, and they hurled stones at him and drove him away. 

     In his supplication with which he confided in his Lord, after sitting to take a rest in the garden of Abu Rabi’a, there was clear evidence of the weakness felt by every human being, and of his need for an-nasÎr (the Almighty Helper) and a strong support upon which to rely. That is the manifestation of the human being’s servitude to Allah SWT. In that intimate conversation of his, there is also evidence of something that amounts to complaining to Him SWT, and appealing to Him for one’s well-being and safety. If that is inappropriate, however, it will provoke some of Allah’s wrath, so the matter is delicate. 

The following is an excerpt from what he said: 

Page 16.

To be continued in shaa Allah…

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