Shaykh Salis Shaban had passed away

Late Shaykh Salis Shaban, true murid of Maulana Shaykh Ibrahim Niass has left this world after decades of service to Allah, The Prophet Muhammad and the people of Ghana and Africa.

He passed away on Tuesday, 27th of April 2021. May Allah forgive him his shortcomings and reunite him with his mentor, his Shaykh al-Hajj Ibrahima Niasse. Ameen.

The late Shaykh Salis Shaban sitting by Shaykh Mahi Cisse in the occasion of the Maulid in Madina Baye, Senegal.
The Chief Imam of Ghana, Dr Nouhou Sharubutu, left with Shaykh Tijani Ben Omar (brother of the deceased)

Our last memory of Shaykh Muhammad Salisu Shaban was a vision of him together with the National Chief Imam, Shaykh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu but our grieving pain won’t inject us to reveal secrets.
He had a successful life, his parents been the first or one of the foremost Ghanaians to visit Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse رضي الله عنه in Medina Baye, he also lived and served at the door of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse. He’s the first person Shaykh would see before leaving his room for Masjid at Fajr and the last person Shaykh would see before going indoors. Wallah there is no blessings greater than this to me.
Allah has raised his Maqam to the level that Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse said this on his account, “ Whoever he (Muhammad Salisu Shaban) prays for, it is as if I myself prayed for them.” etc.
He also had a good relationship with the children of his Shaykh and Alhamdulillah all his life was a service to Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse. Without a doubt, a glimpse at him will remind you of Shaykh because of his intense love for Shaykh.
Insha Allah, we are very hopeful that he’s one of the companions whom Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse will mention to Rasool’Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم. Baye said,

Dr Sharubutu presenting his condolences to Shaykh Ben Omar and family.

ويسمع مني ذكره ومديحه،
يفاخربي في الأنبيا ويرافق.
أقول له صحبي وأهل مودتي،
فقال ادخلواصحب الخديم تسابقوا.
“And His (Muhammad) Praises and Eulogies shall be heard from me; He will be proud of me midst of the prophets and will always be in His company.
Then I will mention my disciples and those who loved me to him and He will say : Be the foremost to enter Jannah O disciples of the Servant.”
Shaykh Salisu saw Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse and also loved him. What a beautiful and successful life. Baye Niasse said:
ومن يحبني و من يراني،
في جنة الخلد بلا بهتان.
“Whosoever loves me or sees me shall dwell in heaven devoid of falsehood.”
Separation hurts, but death is the rebirth of the Awliya’Allah. May Allah be pleased with his blessed soul.
~ Wadman Waduud.

Shaykh Tijani Ben Omar accepting more condolences.

People gathered to mourn Shaykh Salis Shaban’s death at his family’s.
Burial of Shaykh Salis Shaban

It was a very thick and uncontrollable crowd at the Janaiza of Maulana Sheikh Mohammed Salis Shaban. We are very grateful to The National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr Usman Nuhu Sharubutu, Sheikh Alahudeen Cisse who represented Imam Tijani Cisse and all other dignitaries,

Sheikhs, chiefs, and youth for their commitment amidst the challenges to offering a befitting farewell Janaiza. May Almighty Allah bless ths soul of Maulana and continue to unite and strengthen the faidha. We are highly grateful for the office of Vice President for their support. (FB pics and comments on 4/29/21, day of burial.)

Another loss.

Ustaz Muhammadou Mor Diange of Senegal, a fervent murid and muqaddam of Imam Hassan Cisse has passed away as well in the month of April 2021.

Here with brother Kafani Hassan Cisse of Michigan, USA. May Allah forgive him and reunite him with his Shaykh Imam Hassan Cisse. Ameen.

A Book Read

Islam the Religion of Peace

The Tolerance of the Prophet and his working
together with non-Muslims

Allah the Most High sent His prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) as a mercy to all the worlds, and he (PBUH) is an
exemplar of human perfection in all aspects of his life. He is
an examplar of perfection in his relationship with his Lord,
and in his relationship with all people, whatever their gender,
age, color, or religion. Jâbir b. ‘Abd-Allah, may Allah be
pleased with him, said: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was
an easy-going man.” Al-Nawawî explained, “This means
gentleness of disposition, nobility in each aspect of his
character; possessed of a character that was gracious and
easy-going.” According to the authentic statement of ‘A’isha,
may Allah be pleased with her: “The Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) never chose between two things except that he chose
the easiest of them, unless it was a sin, in which case he
would be farthest of people from it. The Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) did not seek redress on his own behalf, except if the
sanctity of Allah were transgressed, then he would seek
redress for the sake of Allah.”
Such were the values to which the Prophet (PBUH)
called: ease in all things, together with defense of Allah’s
sacred rights, but not for worldly show or egotistical passions.
The biography of the prophet (PBUH) contains numerous
examples of this tolerance with non-Muslims. Although this
subject is boundless, I will just mention a few examples:
The Prophet (PBUH) was a mercy to whole of
creation, for it was he about whom Allah said, “And We have
not sent you except as a mercy to all the worlds
.” Q 21:107.
He was thus a mercy presented to the entire creation. And he
encouraged affection and mercy among humankind. He
(PBUH) said: “Allah has no mercy on the one who has no
mercy for humankind
.” And the word “humankind” (al-nâs)
here includes every single individual among humankind,
whatever the gender or religion. There are many examples of
this mercy in the foundational texts. In Bukhârî’s chapter on
mercy to humankind and animals, we find the following
narration from the Prophet: “For any Muslim who grows a
plant: should another person or animal come to eat from that
plant, it will count as charity (sadaqa) for him.” So the religion
of Islam is a religion of tolerance and mercy that
encompasses the entirety of humankind, immersing them all
in mercy and righteousness.
The Prophet SAW pardoned those who fought
against him and showed him enmity. His magnanimity on the
day of the Muslims’ conquest of Mecca represented the
height of forgiveness ever reached by a human being, for he
forgave his enemies. His position towards those who had
been at war with the mission of Islam, and who did not put
down their swords, was far from going to war with them, for
he told them, “Go, for you are free!”
The Prophet (PBUH) prayed for those who turned
against him from among the non-Muslims. Once al-Tufayl b.
‘Amrû al-Dawsî and his companions presented themselves to
the prophet and said, “O Messenger of Allah, the Daws
people have rejected Islam and turned away, so pray to Allah
against them!” So, when the Prophet (PBUH) raised his
hands, they said, “May the Daws be destroyed,” thinking that
he was praying against them. But he (PBUH) said, “O Allah!
Guide the people of Daws and bring them to Islam.”
The Prophet (PBUH) also commanded the joining of
familial relations, even if one’s family members are not
Muslims. He said to Asmâ’, the daughter of Abû Bakr, “Keep
up relations with your mother
.” [Asmâ, the daughter of Khalif
Abû Bakr was from his marriage before Islam, so her mother
was still non-Muslim at the time of the Hadith.]

To be continued in sha Allah…

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