May we all celebrate the Prophet during Maulud.

(By Naheela Morales on FB).

Imam of the Grand Mosque of Madina Kaolack Shaykh Tijani Cisse.

Few verses from Al Burda.

The immeasurable rank of the Messenger of Allah

Exceeds that which any tongue could ever express.

If his (PBUH) miracles were relative to his mighty ranks,

Then the very mention of his name would revive decaying bones.


Ameen ya Allah.

Islam, the Religion of Peace.

By Zakariya Wright
Cheikh Tidiane Cisse (or Shaykh Tijânî b. ‘Alî Sîsî) holds the
Imamate of the Grand Mosque in Medina-Baye Kaolack,
Senegal. As Imam of the spiritual heart for the followers of
Shaykh Ibrâhîm Niasse, Cheikh Tidiane Cisse represents some
one hundred million Muslims around the world. He succeeds
to the position after a lifetime of personal instruction and
companionship with some of the twentieth century’s most
eminent Tijânî scholars: Shaykh Ibrâhîm Niasse (d. 1975),
Shaykh Sayyid ‘Alî Cisse (d. 1982), and Shaykh Hasan b. ‘Alî
Cisse (d. 2008). Upon succeeding to the Imamate in 2008,
Cheikh Tidiane also assumed leadership of the humanitarian
NGO founded by Shaykh Hasan Cisse, the African American
Islamic Institute. Cheikh Tidiane Cisse has thus attained wide
renown as an Islamic scholar, a Sufi guide, and a committed
humanitarian activist.
Cheikh Tidiane Cisse (b. 1955) is the second son of
Shaykh Ibrahim’s most beloved student, Shaykh ‘Alî Cisse,
and his first daughter, Fâtima Zahra Niasse. After memorizing
Qur’ân in Medina-Baye, Shaykh Tijani himself became a
Qur’ân teacher in Medina Baye while continuing his Islamic
studies. In his late teens, he devoted himself full-time to
personalized instruction (majâlis al-’ilm), first under his
father, Shaykh ‘Alî (1971-1972); and then under his
grandfather, Shaykh Ibrâhîm (1973). He was the last to be

personally instructed by Shaykh Ibrahim in the classical texts,
focusing mostly on Arabic literature and poetry. He would
later receive the highest of licenses from his father, Shaykh
‘Alî Cisse, who told him: “Whatever Shaykh Ibrahim gave me,
I am giving you.”

…To be continued in sha Allah

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