Khalifa Shaykh Mahi Niasse visiting Imam Tijani Cisse.

Imam Tijani Cisse visited by the new Khalifa Shaykh Mahi Niasse.

The Cisses are receiving more condolences for last month’s deaths.

Another death, among murids, in Senegal

May Allah forgive him. Ameen.

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

We can also conclude that:

  • God fearing pious servants are blessed with this type of spiritual inspiration. The above conclusions are supported in various places in the Qur’an, as people like the mother of Moses AS who was not a prophetess, received an inspiration directly from Allah as in suratul Ta-Ha, Qur’an 20:38 “When We inspired to your mother what We inspired, [Saying], ‘Cast him into the chest and cast it into the river, and the river will throw it onto the bank; there will take him an enemy to Me and an enemy to him…”’

       Another example of an inspiration, being in the form of a suggestion thrown into a pious heart by Allah SWT, was shown in the case of the encounter by Hadrat Khidhr AS and Prophet Moses AS when Hadrat Khidr AS concluded his action by saying, as in the Qur’an 18:82 “…And I did it not of my own accord. That is the interpretation of that about which you could not have patience”. Here the statement simply implies that (he) too was inspired, to carry out such action. The story of Jesus’s AS mother RA was another glaring example. Qur’an 19:16-17 says “And mention, [O Muhammad], in the Book [the story of] Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place toward the east. And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel, and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man. She said, “Indeed, I seek refuge in the Most Merciful from you, [so leave me], if you should be fearing of Allah. He said, “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you [news of] a pure boy.”

       Such was the case with the companions of the Prophet SAW, when the Prophet SAW informed them that their guest or stranger was no other than the angel Gabriel AS who came to teach them their religion, as contained in the hadith related by ‘Umar ibn Khattab RA. Furthermore, in the Qur’an 30:23, Allah says: “And of His signs is your sleep by night and day and your seeking of His bounty”. One of the important happenings in sleeping, during the day or night are the occurrence of dreams. The Prophet SAW would often ask his companions about their dreams. The most authoritative and most authentic of narrations of the Hadith of the Prophet SAW is the Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari. His collection has a section of 48 chapters, and in volume 9 he devoted to the interpretation of dreams as reported from the most knowledgeable Prophet SAW.  Chapter 3 starts with the heading “Dreams are from Allah”. He then narrated the Hadith of Abu Qatada, which narrates from the Prophet SAW, that: “A true good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from satan”. Chapter 4 of the same section has a heading “A righteous good dream that comes true is one of the forty-six parts of Prophethood”. Here, a Hadith from Abu Hurairah RA says: “For sure the Messenger of Allah says: the dream of a faithful believer is a part of the forty-six parts of Prophethood”.

       In the book of Imam Nawawi, one of the great narrators of Hadith, he narrates under a similar chapter in Hadith no. 839 on the authority of Abu Huraira RA that, “I heard the Prophet SAW saying that: ‘Nothing is remaining of my Prophethood except Al-Mubashirah’. The companions asked, what is Al-Mubashirah? He replied, ‘Good dreams of righteous people’”. The above Hadith was also reported by Bukhari in Chapter 5 of the sections on dreams. Bukhari and Muslim also reported in the books of narration on the authority of Abu Huraira that: “Whoever sees me (the Prophet SAW) in a dream, will soon see me when awake, and satan cannot imitate my form”. “When the time draws near, the dream of a Muslim can hardly be faked. The more truthful in dream is the more truthful in discussion. The dream of a Muslim is a part of forty-six parts of Prophethood. And dreams are of three types: There is the righteous dream, which is a glad tiding from Allah. There is also the bad dream, from the satan. And finally, there is a dream that is a conversation with oneself. If, therefore, any of you sees what he hates, he should stand and pray and do not discuss it with people.” The above quotation is that of Muslim. In another narration, the Prophet SAW advises the one that sees a bad dream to seek refuge from satan, to spit to his left-hand side and to avoid mentioning it, and that the dream shall not affect or harm him. However, for a good dream, he should only mention it to his loved ones.

      Salatul Fatih is a special invocation of blessings on the Prophet SAW, which came about by the righteous dream of a pious servant of Allah called Muhammad Bakri, who is a grandson of the closest and most pious companion of the Prophet SAW, Abu Bakr RA. This servant of Allah spent years in the Holy Shrine of Mecca (Kaaba) fully absorbed in worship, after which, while asleep, he saw the Salatul Fatih written on a sheet of light. He shared this dream with his loved ones (us). This Salât represents Allah’s description of the Prophet SAW as contained in various parts of the Qur’an. The text of the Salatul Fatih is shown below with proofs that it does not contradict the Qur’an, but rather follows it.

                                                                   Salatul Fatih

“Oh Allah, bless our leader Muhammad the opener of the closed”

                                                                   The Qur’an

We have not sent you, except as a mercy to the universe


                                                                    Salatul Fatih

                                                  “The seal of what has passed”

                                                                    The Qur’an

Muhammad was not the father of any of you men, but a Messenger of Allah and Seal of the (past) Prophets …” 33:40

                                                                  Salatul Fatih

                                               “The helper of truth with truth”

                                                                   The Qur’an

But the Messenger and those who have faith together with him, strive with their wealth and life” (in the path of Allah) 9:88

                                                                   Salatul Fatih

                                                “The guide to your perfection”

                                                                     The Qur’an

      “And for sure, you guide to the path that is perfectly straight” 42:52

                                                                    Salatul Fatih

“And also, unto his household, (The blessing should be) of equivalent magnitude to his status, and his status is tremendously great.”

                                                                     The Qur’an

                        “Indeed, the blessings of Allah on you are tremendously great.” 68:4

       From the above, it is clear that the dream of Muahmmad Bakri was indeed a good and blessed dream that does not contradict the Qur’an but rather follows it. The shaykh of this Tarîqa, the pious and great scholar of his time Shaykh Ahmad Tijânî, also saw the Prophet SAW in a dream and got good news (concerning) the reward of reciting the litanies of this Tarîqa. The Salatil Fatih is incomprehensibly much greater when compared to the recitation of other formulae.

To be Continued in sha Allah…

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