Ruhul Adab
Commentary of Imam Hassan.
41. The Hereafter
The Shaykh now stresses the need for a believer who knows Allah, to always remember the Hereafter with respect to the different events, bitterness and happiness that is obtained there. One of the important events of that Day is the weighing of everyone’s doings on a universal scale. Allah says in the Qur’an 21:47 “And We place the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so no soul will be treated unjustly at all. And if there is [even] the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth. And sufficient are We as accountant”. Alla h also says in Qur’an 99:7-8 “So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it”. In a Hadith, the Prophet SAW has said that any single good work done is recorded as ten good deeds, while an evil work is recorded as one evil deed. Therefore, the real loser is the person whose recorded singles are heavier than the recorded tens. Another event of the Day of judgment is the distribution of individual personal record books where everyone’s actions are recorded. Allah says in the Qur’an 17:13-14 “And [for] every person We have imposed his fate upon his neck, and We will produce for him on the Day of Resurrection a record which he will encounter spread open. [It will be said], “Read your record. Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as accountant.” Therefore, on the Day of Judgement, everyone shall be his own ‘television or radio’ station, showing all his past actions, and bearing witness against himself (may Allah cover our secrets and protect us on this Day).
After weighing the works and reading the records of everyone’s actions, the fortunate ones shall be blessed with Paradise while the unfortunate ones shall be thrown to hell, which is described by the Prophet ﷺ as being seventy times hotter than the hottest fire on earth and fueled in the Hereafter with stones and people. Therefore, the degree of heat in the hell fire is unimaginable. But the rejecters of faith should try the heat of an oven prepared only in minutes on their bodies so as to appreciate the bitterness and pains of the abode of hell.
The Paradise, with its beautiful gardens, fountains, servants, garments and food shall be the abode of the faithful, whose good works outweighed the evil ones. There, in the gardens, shall they recline on raised thrones, with running rivers of honey, milk, sweet clear water and wine. Neither will there be the sun’s heat nor the moon’s cold. Fresh and succulent and full of all the different fruits, will hang within their reach. They shall have, continuously passing amongst them, all sorts of food; roasted birds and drinks in vessels and goblets made of clear crystal, pearl, silver and gold. A special wine mixed with Zanjabil shall be served. A special fountain shall be placed in their gardens called Salsabil. Around them will serve youths of full and perpetual freshness, handsome as pearls. The faithful will be wearing green garments of fine sild and soft brocade and adorned with bracelets of gems and trinkets of a type that have never been seen before. There, in the gardens, they shall be joined to companions with beautiful, big and lustrous eyes, “like unto pearls well-guarded”. Were one to look, one would see a realm of magnificent bliss. They shall be addressed by Allah: “For sure, this is your reward and your striving and endeavors are recognized and accepted”. The Shaykh asks us to always think of this beautiful promise of Allah, which for sure shall come, so that we don’t lack in good work. We should also think of the punishment for evil doers so that we distance ourselves from evil.
To be continued in sha Allah…
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The man in the blue is not cheikh mouhamadoul mahi niasse al khalifa.
that is cheikh bye mbaye niasse mc
Who is Baye Mbaye Niass please?
he is the man in blue he is the host of many midaf alfityanu events and he gives speeches ,cheikh mouhamadol mahi niasseal khalif is not in the picture but he was waering a gray thobe and a blue floppy hat.
Thank you.
alhamdoulilahi brother please what is your name?
also yesterday was imam cheikhs birthday rla
Alhamdullilah, thank you