Sayyada Fatima Niasse Condolences

Funeral prayer of Sayyada Fatima Niasse Cisse performed by her son Imam Tijani Cissse and countless disciples in Madina Kaolack.
Our condolences to our dear Imam Sheikh Ahmed Tidjane Cissé & Imam Sheikh Mahi Cissé and to all the Islamic Ummah following the passing of our beloved Ya Fatoumata Zara Bintou Ibrahima Niass (R. A)

Guests are pouring into Madina Kaolack to offer their condolences to Imam Tijani Cisse.
Shaykh Mahi and Mohammed Aslam

I would like to extend my condolences to Shaykh Mahy Cisse, his entire family, and all of his students and disciples on the passing of his noble mother. Sayyidah is the daughter of the great wali of Allah, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse and she was blessed to have been nurtured by him. He is literally one of the most influential scholars to have lived in the last century. His gatherings of Mawlid until today literally have millions and millions of lovers in attendance.

I hope that Allah grants me the Tawfiq to visit Medina Baye one day so I can experience the blessings of that noble land which was illuminated by the remembrance of Allah. May Allah grant Sayyidah the highest abodes of Paradise and allow us all to neighbour Rasūlallāh ﷺ therein.

Source: – Mohammed Aslam

Mauritanian government and ambassy officials offering condolences to Shaykh Mahi

Cherif Elhadi Nema accompanying the official delegation of Mauritania the staff of the embassy special envoy of the President of the Mauritanian Republic to our religious leader, uncle and Khalif Sheikh Ahmad Tidiane Niasse and our dear brothers Imam Sheikh Ahmad Tidiane Aliou and the spokesperson Sheikh Ahmad Tidiane Aliou Cissè Mahi Aliou Cissé to express their condolences and those of the President and all of Mauritania.

May Allah accept and pay them a hundred times. As Mawlana Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse Rta said Senegal and Mauritania are one people but not two.

Shaykh Mahi arriving at the Grand Mosque during funeral processions
Exhaustion and sadness are so apparent on the faces of our Shuyukhs

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

  • 35. Real Knowledge and Worship

In a Holy Hadith, Allah said: “I was an unknown treasure and wished to be known. I created the creation and by Me, I was known.” Allah said in the Qur’an 51:56 “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” From the above Holy Hadith the purpose of creation is to know Allah, the purpose of creating the demons and humankind is for worshiping Allah. This implies that worshiping Allah means knowing Allah.

     Since man is the most wonderful creation of Allah, we can rightly say that he is the summation of Allah’s creation. Therefore, anyone who knows himself knows his Lord, and thus has worshiped Allah and shall be worshiping Allah as long as he remains in that state, and as long as he lives. Allah says in the Qur’an 41:53 “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth”.

  • 36. In a Holy Hadith, Allah says: “Know Me before worshiping Me, if you don’t know Me how you can you worship Me.” One should therefore try, at all times, to seek to know Allah, for Allah has said in the Qur’an 57:3 “He (Allah) is The First, Last, The Manifest, The Hidden.” The author now explains that Allah is manifest in everything and is before everything and after everything, continuously and forever. The people of the knowledge of jurisprudence argue with the Sufis over the closeness of Allah. The former claim that Allah is with His creation in knowledge, while His Essence remains somewhere else. However, the Sufis maintain that Allah is with us in every respect, whether in Essence or Knowledge. The proof for the Sufis is in the Qur’an. Allah says while describing death in the Qur’an 56:83-85 “Then why, when the soul at death reaches the throat and you are at that time looking on and We (Us and the angels) are nearer to him than you, but you do not see”.

      From the above verse, we can understand that Allah is with us in His Essence, because only Essence can be seen or not seen, contrary to knowledge which is not visible. Allah also said in the Qur’an 7:7 “And We shall narrate to them (their past actions) with knowledge, for We were never absent.” Here, Allah mentions two things, knowledge and presence (by essence). The jurists usually claim that Allah is physically established on the throne and justify this claim by referring to ayats of the Qur’an such as 7:54 where Allah says: “Your Guardian Lord is God, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and is firmly Established on the throne (of authority).” Other similar ayats include Qur’an 10:3, 12:100, 13:2, 20:5, 32:4 and 57:4. However, all of these refer to the Throne of Authority and NOT THE ESSENCE OF ALLAH. To further disapprove their argument, Allah said in Qur’an 69:17 “And the angels are at its edges. And there, will bear the Throne of your Lord above them, that Day, eight [of them]”. Certainly, these angels couldn’t (be) carrying the Essence of Allah, Glory be to Him, over their heads! In conclusion, the author says that since the purpose of creating human beings is for them to know Allah, then all periods of life spent in worshiping Allah without knowing Him can be described as a waste.

To be continued…

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