The first daughter of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse have passed away.

Sayyada Fatoumata Niasse Cisse mother of Imam Tijani and Shaykh Mahi.

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

34. Litanies of Tarîqa

A Shaykh who accepts to train and purify a Muslim, directs him to recite the litanies of the Tarîqa. These litanies or formulae are well known to the leaders (Muqaddams) that are responsible for initiating sincere servants of Allah into the Tarîqa. The litanies are normally of two types, the general type and the special type. The general type is recited daily with concentration and presence of mind, until the required destination is reached. After this, some of the special litanies are obtained from ‘People of the Tarîqa’ and recited in addition to the general litanies. ‘People of Tarîqa’ are the known concrete achievers (male or female), who have been blessed with special knowledge and secrets of Allah.

      Some of the special prayers or litanies according to the author are:

  1. Hizbul Tadara’i (Invocation of Humble Entreaty)- Which expresses the various short comings of a servant before Allah and witnesses that none can forgive him but Him and therefore asks and hopes for His Forgiveness by running towards Him.
  2. Salatul Fatih– This is a Salât on the Prophet SAW with special intentions that recognizes that only Allah can make Salât and only the one in the purest of state can ask Allah to help him to do the duty. The Salât is therefore made with all of its outward and inward meanings and levels known to Allah.
  3. Allahumma ‘Alaika Fatih – This is the formula that teaches the student to recognize and express before Allah that all of the support he receives in whatever form, is in reality from Him, Allah. And to finally recognize that all actions up to the most minute resting action of a cell is from Allah, and that no action taking place is outside of His plan and predestination.

        Other such special litanies, the author explains, can be obtained from ‘People of Tarîqa’. However, he warns that the achievers or ‘People of Tarîqa’ got to their positions by hard work, not by deception or tricking people. They receive it by holding firm to what they obtain form the Shaykh and obeying instructions given. The author now explains that these special litanies are secret documents. When they are recited sincerely, they will lead to other glad tidings. Both the litanies and glad tidings are secrets that should not be discussed in ordinary conversations or in public. A secret is something between two, and in this case, the only two here are the student and his Shaykh, not any best friend who is likely to tell another best friend and so on. Therefore, ask your Shaykh secretly and he shall guide you according to your understanding and level. Allah said: Qur’an 16:125 “Call to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good examples.” And also, in Qur’an 87:9 “Admonish, if the admonishment will be of benefit”.

To be continued….

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