Sayyidi Ali bin Imam Tijani Cisse got Married.

Sayyadi Ali bin Imam Tijani Cisse with his beloved brother.
May Allah bless the marriage. Ameen.

Ruhul Adab

31. Sincerity of Worship

When trying to excel in hard work, one should try to be equally sincere and avoid showing off, because the quality of every work depends on the sincerity involved. In a Hadith, the Prophet ﷺ said: “The first to be judged on the Day of Judgement is the martyr. He will be brought forward, and Allah will mention to him His favors which he will acknowledge.” Thereafter Allah will say: “What have you done with them?” The martyr will reply: “I fought for Your sake until I attainted martyrdom.” Allah SWT will reply: “You lie. You fought in order to be called a hero. You have been called so (which is your reward).” He will then order that he be taken to hellfire where he shall be flung therein headlong. Then a man shall also be brought forward who learned knowledge, taught it to others, and read the Qur’an. Allah will remind him of these favors bestowed on him to which he will acknowledge. Allah will then ask him: “What have you done with them?” and he will reply: “I sought knowledge, taught it, and read the Qur’an only to please you.” Allah SWT will say: “You lie. You learned so as to be called a scholar, and you read the Qur’an so as to be called a reciter, and you have been called these names.” He will then be sentenced and dragged headlong to hellfire. Then a man shall also be brought forward who has been blessed with bounties and wealth. Allah will recall His favors on him to which he will acknowledge. Allah SWT will then ask him: “What did you do with them?” He will answer: “I have left no cause you love to see made, except I spent on such a cause for your sake.” Allah SWT will say: “You lie. You spent to be called generous and you have been called so.” He will then be dragged headlong to hellfire.

     It is therefore important to avoid actions for the purpose of eye-service, showing off or pride. Any act of piety that results in showing off and pride is evil, rather than good. While sinful acts that will result in humility before Allah SWT are good and better. Allah says in the Qur’an 28:83 “That home of the Hereafter We assign to those who do not desire exaltedness upon the earth or corruption. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous.”

     In a Divine Hadith, the Prophet ﷺ related that Allah said: “Greatness is My wrapper, and Majesty, is My Garment. Whoever desires any of the two of Me, I throw him in the hell-fire.” On the Day of Judgement, only those actions, works, and relationships that are based on sincerity and piety will remain, while every other work and relationship will perish. Allah says in the Qur’an 23:101 “When the trumpet is blown, there shall be no more relationship between them that day. Nor will one ask after another.” Also, in the Qur’an 80:33-37 “When comes the deafening utter cry, this is the day when man shall flee from his own brother, mother, father, wife, and children. Each one of them will on that day have so many worries for himself (to make him indifferent to others).” The only beneficiaries on the Day of Judgement are those who have carried out sincere work and go to their Creator with a peaceful heart. A peaceful heart is the heart of “La ilaha illa-Llah”. However, whenever a servant of Allah realizes himself devoutly attached to Allah, he assumes the position of Abraham AS and should pray as Abraham AS did when building the first house of Allah on Earth (Kaaba). He prayed thus: Qur’an 2:127 “O Allah. Accept from us (this house). For you are indeed the Hearing and the Knowing.”

    Finally, since humility is the first step towards showing remorse, it is also the first step to forgiveness from Allah, the first step to good from bad, and therefore the first step to God, Allah. This is why the Shaykh said: “Evil actions that give rise to humility are better, while acts of piety that give rise to haughtiness and pride are worse”.

To be continued…

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