The Nephew of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse just Passed Away.

Shaykh Mohamed Niasse passed away early this week. May Allah grant him Jannah Firdaus. Ameen.

A big loss for the Niasséne community and all of Islamic Ummah


A religious guide in the true sense of the word. A pious, humble man respectful of the precepts of Islam.

He embodied the wisdom and knowledge of his Grandfather EL HADJI ABDOULAYE NIASS RTA. He respects the sounna of Prophet Mouhamed Salallahu Aleyhi Wa Salam as his Master Saydina CHEIKH AHMED TIDIANE CHÉRIF the namesake of his illustrious Father. He exuded the love of his venerated Guide MAOLANA CHEIKHAL ISLAM CHEIKH IBRAHIMA NIASS RTA towards the Prophet Muhammad (saws).

“I have a lot of esteem and admiration and respect for him, each time I meet him I was struck by his simplicity, his respect and his admiration for others even the smallest. He was an erased but open scientist, available and very kind.” Said one of his nephews.

No doubt he was one of the Saints among the illustrious Saints Awliyya of the Niassene family that Allah in his mercy and infinite Goodness is satisfied with him and welcomes him to Paradise Firdawsi with his Prophet Seydina Mouhamed Salalahou Aleyhi Wa Salam, Sheikh Ahmed Tidiane Shérif Rta and Maolana Sheikh al Islam Cheikh Ibrahima Niass RTA.

All the editors of Faydatidianiya present their sincere condolences to all the big family of EL HADJI ABDOULAYE NIASS AL KABIR RTA and to all the Islamic Ummah.

Article from Faydatidianiya.

Ruhul Adab

30. Jealousy or Envy

A Muslim may strive, work hard and become very fortunate, but at the same time, make others very jealous. The Prophet ﷺ said in a reported Hadith that all possessors of fortune cause jealousy. Allah SWT, in the second to last chapter of Qur’an, has commanded the Prophet ﷺ to “…seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak from the evil of that which He created and from the evil of darkness when it settles and from the evil of the blowers in knots and from the evil of an envier when he envies.”

      Envy and jealousy are such great evils, that they could take up a whole chapter devoted to teaching people how to protect oneself from them. Shaykh Ibrahim therefore advises that one should be selfless, work hard and not be envious and/or jealous. This is because an envious/jealous one in reality is fighting Allah SWT, because it is Allah SWT who gives fortune to His servants as He Will, and the jealous one whom is unhappy about the fortune of another person is actually unhappy with the Giver, Allah SWT. The Meccans rejected the Prophet ﷺ out of envy, not because they did not believe that the revelation was from Allah. They wondered how a poor orphan could attain Prophethood in the midst of chieftains and possessors of wealth, might and power. Therefore, they preferred to cling to what was inherited from their ancestors, rather than to reason and objectivity. Nevertheless, Allah SWT is the Most Wise and His decisions are unquestionable.

      History tells us the story of a learned scholar who was appointed by the king to always open his courts, important meetings, gatherings and celebrations with speeches. This scholar always would say, in his speech, “O king, do good to whomever is good to you, but for anyone who wrongs you, leave him, for evil will take revenge on him”. The position of the scholar soon became a subject of envy to other scholars, including his close friends. This envy led one of his colleagues to lie against him to the king, saying: “This man you made so close to you is saying bad things about you all over the place.” When the king asked of the bad things said, this colleague replied: “He says your breath stinks”. The king then requested this envious colleague to advise him on how to confirm this statement. He replied: “Just send for him tomorrow and make him come close to you.” The king then asked the jealous colleague to call for him, the appointed learned scholar the following day. The following day, the jealous colleague invited his friend for lunch prepared with garlic, onions, and the like. While they were eating, he informed the scholar that he had just remembered that the king wanted to see him urgently. He advised him to leave at once. He left immediately to answer the king’s call. On arrival, he went close to greet the king but covered his mouth because of the smelling spices he ate, and this led the king to confirm the allegation. The king then ordered for a pen and paper, wrote a decree and asked the scholar to deliver it to one of the governors. At the king’s gate, the scholar met this envious friend already waiting for hm to find out what had happened. He told his friend that the king only gave him a document that he wrote himself, that was to be delivered to a governor. Since it is not customary for the king himself to write a note, except when it had to do with the giving of gifts, the friend requested the scholar to allow him to deliver the note, assuming that it was meant for a gift. The scholar obliged and gave him the paper. On getting to the governor, the envious friend presented the paper to the governor, who broke the seal, read it and told the envious friend to get ready for his death because the king has ordered that his head be cut off. The envious friend complained to the governor that he was not the real bearer of the letter, but the governor told him that the order reads: “Let whosoever brings this paper be killed.” He was therefore killed, and the head sent to the king. When the king saw the head that was brought, he sent for the appointed scholar out of surprise, to ask what had transpired between him and the man killed. The scholar narrated that they are friends and that there is no quarrel between them. The king then narrated what the deceased had earlier said and asked why the scholar had said bad things about him. The scholar denied that he could have said such things. The king then inquired of the scholar’s reason for covering his mouth the last time he had invited him  and the scholar replied that this was a result of the state of his mouth just after eating lunch (with garlic, onions and the like) prepared for him by his late friend, before telling him to report to the king urgently. Since he feared to speak to the king with a mouthful odor, he covered it. The king then asked him about the order he had given him. He replied that he had met his late friend by the gate who took it from him to deliver. The king then said, the truth of the advice you used to give me that: “Be good to whoever is good to you. However, for anyone who wrongs you, leave him. For evil will take revenge on him” has been proven in your case.

To be continued in sha Allah…

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