Eid Mubarak Ramadan 2020

Imam Tijani Cisse RTA
Imam Tijani Cisse RTA and son Sayyid Abdullah Cisse

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

29. Good Conduct (Adab)

The author continues by using signs and wisdom to support the praiseworthy actions he has called for. He shows that all that is desired and respected like knowledge, riches and fertility attain this degree of height because of their humility. For example, the Arabic words for knowledge (ilm), wealth (gina) and fertility (khisbu) are pronounced with the lower vowels. By the lowering of these words in pronunciation, they attain a height of importance. This is the reverse for ignorance (jahlu), poverty (faqru) and infertility (jadbu) that raise their ego in pronunciation and become debased in reality. Another example is the rainwater, which by law prefers to settle in a lowly place rather than a place of height, but water is highly respected and well sought after by all. These are examples of the wisdom with which Allah teaches us that humility breeds greatness. This is why when Prophet Yunus AS was in the multiple darkness of the whale’s belly, in the deep sea at night, he called on Allah saying (Qur’an 21:87) “There is no deity but You. Glory be on You, for indeed I have been among the oppressors”. In reply to this humble submission, Allah said concerning him (Qur’an 68:50) “And his Lord chose him and made him of the righteous”. Examples of dangers of pride can be seen in the behavior of Pharaoh, the people of Mecca, and satan. As for Pharaoh, he was proud and refused to submit to Allah. When he finally submitted in the face of imminent calamity, he refused to do so directly. He said, as reported by Allah (Qur’an 10:90) “I believe that there is no deity except that in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the Muslims”. Allah rejected this kind of submission and replied thus (Qur’an 10:91) “Now? And you had disobeyed [Him] before and were of the corrupters?”. As for the Meccans, those who accepted Islam quickly raised themselves to the positions of the Faithful, but Allah rejected this clam as He said in the Qur’an 49:14 “The bedouins say, “We have believed.” Say, “You have not [yet] believed; but say [instead], ‘We have submitted,’ for faith has not yet entered your hearts”. Another example of false pride is that of satan. When Allah commanded him to prostrate in front of Adam AS, satan said as reported in the Qur’an 7:12 “[satan] said, ‘I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay.”’ Consequently, satan lost all his positions.

       The most excellent example of behavior and good manners has been left by the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ was once given the choice of being either a Prophet-King, or a Prophet-Servant and he chose the latter of the two. He was also given the choice of having the two biggest mountains of Mecca converted into gold for him, but he chose to remain as Allah had chosen him, (i.e. to be sometimes rich and sometimes poor). Because of the humility displayed by the Prophet ﷺ towards his Creator SWT, he has been granted the highest position in the hereafter, the position known as “The Praiseworthy Position”.

        The Prophet ﷺ has also warned about the dangers arising from the pride of lineage. He advised both his daughter Fatima RA and aunt Safiya RA to do good work as much as any other because their lineage would be of no use to them on the day of judgment without the good works. It is only Allah that can exalt a person. The Prophet ﷺ has said, that when a servant of Allah excels in good work, he attains the love of Allah up to the point that Allah will call Angel Gabriel to announce to all creatures in the seven heavens and earth, that “Allah loves this servant so you all must love him as well”.

        Self-satisfaction therefore, not only results in pride but also reduction in output. A servant of Allah should continue to do and excel in good works and always see himself as poor in work. He should also continue to seek all his needs from Allah, from the smallest things like salt, to big positions such as the Qutb. It is easy for Allah to grant any and all of the requests. Whatever Allah desires to do is between the letter Kaf and Nun. He only says Be! And it is. (Kun-Fiya-Kun); no more and no less. Of course, one must never seek for impossible things like being God or Prophet.

To be continued in sha Allah…

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