First Third of Ramadan 2020

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

20. Allah says: “We have certainly created man to face difficulties” (Qur’an 90:4).

21. Allah says: “Surely with difficulty is ease” (Qur’an 94:5-6).

22. Allah says: “Whoever desires might, then to Allah belongs all might” (Qur’an 35:10).

23. Consideration and Moderation

It is possible that a Muslim that accepts the advice of Shaykh Ibrahim mentioned from the beginning and works with them is likely to feel happy and exalted, which may cause him to look down on people, discredit them or disregard people that do not appear as pious as he thinks himself to be. From this, the Shaykh is warning us about the dangers normally surrounding a person who tries to be pious. A striving Muslim should try not to demand respect and exaltation. He should not look down on non-striving or weak Muslims, nor should he enjoy or be pleased with favors bestowed upon him, because the One that gives is better than what He gave. Allah says in the Qur’an 16:96 “Whatever you have will end, but what Allah has is lasting”.

     Allah might have favored you with wealth of piety, knowledge or a good state of mind. Let not these make you speak ill or look down on your fellow Muslims who are not as fortunate. The Prophet SAW said: “A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim, he shall not despise, look down or oppress him. Piety is here (the Prophet pointed to his chest). Any Muslim being against any Muslim is forbidden, in terms of blood, reputation and wealth. It is enough of evil for a Muslim to despise his Muslim brother”.

     There are situations when an ordinary looking man may be a great and pious person, or even a Saint of Allah (Wali). Just as Allah has hidden His greatest Name among His other names, and the Night of Power among nights of Ramadan, so are the Saints of Allah sometimes hidden in the crowd of ordinary Muslims. The prophet SAW said: “(It) May be (that) were the one in tattered dress to invoke Allah, he will have his invocations blessed”.

      Another great danger that faces a striving Muslim, is when he has been wronged or when he sees others committing wrong. There are three options with which to treat one who has wronged you. The least of options is that of the Shari’ at. In this option, you can seek retribution by retaliating in the same manner that you were offended. A better option is that of Faith. This is done by having faith in Allah’s predestination and therefore forgiving the wrong done to you. The best option is that of Goodness (Ihsan). In this option, you not only have faith in Allah’s decision, but you are pleased, because you know that Allah always does good. Therefore, you forgive the wrong that was done, and extend goodness to the one that has done the wrong to remove any enmity. An example of this is when the Prophet SAW conquered Mecca and not only forgave his persecutors but extended to them a hand of friendship. It is reported that Allah said to Prophet Musa AS: “Don’t fear any authority if you are not in the wrong, as long as My Authority is there…and My authority is there and Mine forever. Don’t fear poverty as long as My Treasuries are full, and Mine are full forever. Don’t mention people’s faults as long as faults are being seen with you, and human beings are hardly blameless. Don’t stop fighting shaytan (satan) as long as satan is fighting you and satan is fighting you forever. Don’t feel safe until you see yourself inside paradise and even if you see yourself inside Paradise, remember that your father Adam AS was already inside it and I removed him from it”.

     Finally, the author advises the importance of humility, no matter what has been achieved. This is because: things left undone and errors committed are so many. One should therefore remember death at all times and be sorrowful. Moreover, remember most of all the questioners of the grave. The prophet SAW said: “If you knew what I know, you will smile little and weep a lot”. In another narration, he SAW said: “The grave is either of the two: a Paradise out of the Paradise, or an extension of hell”. This is because after being buried in the grave and before the departures of the mourners, the questioning angels of the grave (Munkar and Nakir) will ask the deceased about his Lord, Prophet, Religion, and Book. A Muslim will definitely answer satisfactorily and his grave will then be turned into an extension of Paradise. For a disbeliever, he will reply wrongly, and his grave will be changed to an extension of hell. (This is the beginning of the journey to the Hereafter). Since it is difficult to escape being a victim of self-exaltation, ill-treating Muslims, and bad behavior before Allah, the author in the next sections enjoined Muslims to seek knowledge.

To be continued in sha Allah…

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