Ramadhan Kareem 2020

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

19.Satisfaction with Predestination

While Shaykh Ibrahim advises on accepting tests of time with contentment, he went on further to explain the need to be satisfied and actually be pleased with predestination. For Allah, out of His mercy, refuses a request where it is harmful to the individual concerned.

    Whatever happens has already been predestined. The Prophet SAW said in a sound hadith: “What touches you couldn’t have missed you, and what missed you couldn’t have touched you. The pen has been lifted and the ink has dried”. Allah’s decision is best in all circumstances, Allah said in the Qur’an 21:23 “He (Allah) is not questionable about His actions, but they (the creatures) will be questioned.” Not only has Allah set up a measure for everything, He has knowledge of everything past, present or future. Allah says in the Qur’an 65:3 “Indeed, for everything has Allah set a limit” and in the Qur’an 65:12 “For sure, Allah encompasses everything in knowledge”. In addition, in Qur’an 2:216 “Allah knows while you do not know”. If one also studies the loved ones or Prophets of Allah, they are tested the most with sufferings and harm that most often comes from their tribes and relatives. Out of wisdom, Allah allows these things to happen to them, so that the Prophets could concentrate their love for Allah alone. It also serves as a lesson for others. The Shaykh also reminds us that Allah has promised that every difficulty is followed by plenty of relief. Allah says in (94:5-6) “For sure, with every difficulty is relief, and indeed with every difficulty is relief”. In the above ayat (sign) while the word difficulty (Al-Usr) was made definitive and repeated, the word relief (Yusr) was made indefinite and repeated. The meaning of this in Arabic is that the difficulty is definite and once, while the ease or relief promised is indefinite and twice.

     Finally, it is important to know that Allah has made a promise of answering our prayers, but we shall only see the answer to what He has decreed for us at the time He has decreed it. It will not occur at the time of our own choosing. If we ask for what Allah has not decreed for us, He will answer but delay it until the Day of Judgment or exchange it for another favor that He sees is better for us. The prophet SAW said: “Were People to realize what options they will receive in the hereafter, they would wish that the answers to their request be delayed until the hereafter”.

To be continued in sha Allah…

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