Shaykh Ibrahim stepdaughter has died.

Sayyada Ameena, may Allah Place her by her father’s side in Jannat. Ameen.

Let’s pray for her with 1 Fatiha, 3 Ikhlass and 10 Salatil Fatihi.

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

17. Time Planning and Usage

Shaykh Ibrahim now goes on to warn that one’s time must be well planned and properly used. He advises that just as one should not be full of himself when in the advantageous position of life and religion; he should also not be frustrated when at a disadvantageous stage of life and religious duties. On the proper planning of time, the Prophet SAW has said in meaning; “I have divided my time into three equal parts; one part for worship, one for my family affairs, and the last part I have further divided into two, one for social engagements and one for rest.”

     The above puts the four general activities of the Prophet SAW, proportioned in a ratio of 8:8:4:4. Shaykh Ibrahim himself has been reported to have never slept for more than two hours a day since the age of thirty, except once when under anesthesia in the hospital, he slept for three hours. Regarding the good use of time, the Prophet SAW has said in a hadith; “Indeed, this world has set to return, and for sure the next world has set to come, and for each of them is a community. Be among the children of the hereafter and do not belong the to the children of this world. For today is work without accounting while tomorrow is for accounting without work”. Therefore, it is important to plan one’s time so as to get at the right place at the right time and for the right period, with the right people. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is only a hope; the reality is now and must be used well. The Arabs have a proverb that says: “Time is like a sword. If you don’t cut with it, it cuts you”. Therefore, one who desires to leave evil or do good should do it now because tomorrow may be too late, and the statement… ‘Had I known’ is the losers excuse. The Prophet SAW said: “Never will the good be rotten, nor the sin forgotten. Nor will the One that Pays goodness and Punishes evil ever die. Do therefore what you wish. As you lend, so shall you get paid”.

To be continued in sha Allah …

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