28th Day of Ramadan

Shaykh Mahi Back from Ramadan Umra 2019.

Shaykh Mahi back to teaching in Madina, Senegal

The Removal of Confusion

Allah the Exalted has 3000 Names. He made 1000 of them known to none but the angels, and he made 1000 of them known to none but the Prophets. 300 are in the Torah, 300 are in the Gospel, 300 are in the Psalms, and 99 are in the Qur’an. Allah has kept 1 name to Himself. The meaning of all these 3000 Names is contained within these 3 Names (Allah, the compassionate [Al-Rahman], the Merciful [Al-Rahim]. If someone knows them and practices them, it is as if he has remembered Allah the Exalted by all His Names.”

~Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, may Allah be please with him. The Removal Of Confusion.