Anniversary of Shaykh Ibrahim’s passing Part 1.



The last journey of Shaykh al-Islam, Alhaji Ibrahim Niass took place in the year June 1975 corresponding to Jumada thani of the year 1395 AH.

He informed his household that he wanted to travel briefly abroad to London. At that time he was 75 years old, and had a pending surgery which he felt was time for him to attend to.

Apart from that, the travel will give him opportunity to enjoy the cooler London weather.

So he instructed Kabir Faye, his regular travel companion to pack the essential travel utilities. Kabir Faye who had been used to carrying along the Shaykh’s main kanash (bound volumes of prayer formulae), which normally make the luggage heavy, since he may not know which of these documents may be called for, by Shaykh.

However, on this occasion, his master, seeing him piling up the travel luggage remarked: “Oh Kabir Faye! Were you to realize what heavier loads or burden you will be charged with on our return journey, you will need no one to tell you not to labour yourself with any heavy load in this our impending journey”!

This kind of remarks coming from Shaykh al-Islam had a lasting impact on his soul, hence he cut short the size of luggage he initially intended to carry.

As was usual, many of his other sons and mureeds wanted to go with him, but Shaykh declined their offer on the excuse that the voyage was a short one.

To many of his elder children and muqadams, he sent them on errands to various part of the Africa continent.

However some very few escorted him up to Dakar before embarking on their trip.

His son, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani stayed with him for three days in Dakar and his father (Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse) discussed many important matters with him.

On reaching Dakar, he gave some awraad (litanies) to Kabir and granted him idhni/permission of three days khalwah (seclusion to chant the supreme names of Allah, in the manner prescribed by shaykh).

He also had many people who paid him Ziyaraah. Ziyaarah connotes visit to men of Allah in order to benefit from their presence and seek spiritual benevolence.

(After the three days spent at Dakar) …they then set out, just Shaykh Ibrahim Niass and Kabir Faye.


At the conclusion of the special prayer, Shaykh boarded a flight to London, disembarking at the Heathrow Airport, terminal 1 in London.

He was immediately conveyed straight to St. Thomas Hospital, the destination of his travel. Prior to leaving home, necessary arrangements had been finalized for admission into the hospital.

When the Head of State of the Republic of Ghana; His Exellency Dr. Kwame Nkrumah got message from Shaykh, someone to whom he was well acquainted, he sent his own personal physician, Doctor Maltin.

When the doctor heard of Shaykh’s aliments, he recommended a specialist physician in London and assured Shaykh of his expertise and the high vote of confidence he had in his professional acumen as a surgical doctor.

Hence, necessary contacts were ensured and admission formalities made prior to setting out. This was why Shaykh was taken straight to the said hospital.

By the beginning of the second phase of the journey, Kabir Faye had long sitting sessions with Shaykh, who was telling him many matters unknown to him and which started sending feelings to him that his master is gradually bidding the world farewell.

Otherwise, how could Shaykh be talking about the reality of death and after life?

This was despite his being in a very good state of health and engaging himself in his normal daily prayer routine.

Two days before the death, he was scheduled for the minor surgery, he asked Kabir Faye to connect him to one of his students living in Tunisia by name Omar bin Khattab popularly called Khattab Sokhna.

He overheard their conversations as Shaykh asked him to sit by his side. After the greeting formalities Shaykh reminded the man about a question he asked many years ago, when he was young.

Then, Khattab asked him if he was ever going to die one day, to which Shaykh replied in the affirmative but that the time was not yet due for that. Khattab said he remembered.

Shaykh then went further to say: now is the time for that promise of Allah and that was why he called him, but that he will like the man to come and visit him in London, in addition, he should get him an elephant’s tooth which he wants to present as a gift to his doctor.

Khattab confirmed that he will immediately be on his way to him. The operation was carried on the d-day and it was successful. A couple of days later, Khattab came and he spent a whole day in Shaykh’s company. At the meeting, Shaykh re-iterated that all souls must die and told Omar the day of the week and the time (of his passing away).

He also gave him many useful admonitions which lasted a whole day. After his meeting with Shaykh, he felt he could not wait further to see how the promise of Allah will come to pass over Shaykh, hence with a heavy heart, asked for idhni/permission to go.

At that period of time, Hassan Cisse, a young student in one education center in London, also made it a point of duty to visit his grandfather daily, spending long hours with him in the company of Kabir Faye and retiring home at night to come back the following day.

Also, during the same week, one of the close khaadim (loyalist) of Shaykh in Kano, Nigeria in the person of Alhaji Uba Waru dreamt and saw Shaykh who said he needed an elephant tooth to give as present.


Authored by: Ambassador Usman Ahmad Tijani Ibrahim Niasse

Translated & Compiled by: Sayyidah Bilqis Bolajoko Grillo

Uba Waru was a gentleman of a noble origin. His father Alhaaj Ibrahim Waru and mother Seyyidah Aisha Shettima known as Hajiah Baba, came from a rich Islamic background.

At an early age, Uba Waru got to know Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse and he immediately fell in love with him, vowing to be his khaadim throughout his entire life.

As a wealthy but humble personality, he was known for his selfless Khidmah (selfless service) and hadiyahs (generosity) to the family of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse on regular basis. Annually, he used to send sixty people on Hajj and Umrah trips to Makkah.

His close association with Shaykh earned him his blessings to the point of marrying one of Shaykh’s grand-daughter. After many years, his daughter also got married to one of Shaykh’s grandson.

His devotion to khidmah of Shaykh was such that he was always in close touch with him and receiving many written messages from Shaykh.

Uba Waru was already aware that Shaykh had travelled a few weeks back to London.

So, on waking up, he linked up with London and told Shaykh on the telephone of his dream in order to get his idhni (permission) before coming over to London.

Shaykh gave him the go ahead and confirmed that he truly need the elephant’s tooth. Shaykh further instructed him to come in the company of his son, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani who was then in Lagos, Nigeria, having been sent on some assignments the week his father was leaving Dakar.

Alhaji Uba Waru, went to Lagos from his home in Kano and informed Shaykh Tijani who immediately arranged his travel papers for a flight that will move from Lagos via Addis Ababa to Amsterdam, London.

However, at the last moment, there were problems of documentations with the Nigerian Immigration which made Alhaji Ubu Waru to travel alone to London. When he got to Shaykh, he asked where is Shaykh Tijani?

Alhaji Uba Waru explained the immigration impediments to which Shaykh-l-Islam remarked;


Thereafter Shaykh collected the elephant’s tooth and prayed for him, also talking to him for hours on end. During the third week, the Master had daily sessions with all the four people: Kabir Faye, Hassan Cisse, Uba Waru and Umar bin Khattab Sokhna.

He asked Khattab to go and enquire at the airport the flight schedules for the coming week, so as to get information about the days of flight availability to Senegal from London. He came back with the information that the British Airways flights will run twice a week the first day being Monday and the second, mid-week. Shaykh asked him to go and make a booking for coming Monday.

In addition, Uba Waru who was happy at seeing Shaykh in good health and spirits and obviously unaware of the haal/condition of Shaykh.

Kabir Faye and Uba Waru called the Ulamas of Kano to send representative to London on Ziyaara/Visitation to Shaykh. So they sent Mudi Salga and two other people. They came promptly and visited Shaykh. After their usual ziyaarah they left.

“Around this time…Shaikh’s the core ideological adversary in Nigeria (Alhaji Abubakar Gumi) had alleged that Shaikh Ibrahim composed a poem of repentance to renounce his Tijani sufi membership. So..Shaikh Sanni Awwal and some others were delegated by the Nigerian disciples of Shaikh Ibrahim for clarification. Hence, the Shaikh replied with a letter titled Risalatu tawbah (Epistle of Repentance)”.

However, the usual ziyaarah of Uba Waru and Hassan continued daily till Friday. On Friday Shaykh asked Umar to procure tickets for his return flight taking Hassan Cisse with him to deliver the tickets because he was boarding his own flight that day to Zaire. On Friday of that week, necessary preparations were made for the noon prayer after which Kabir Faye was instructed to read some long awraads (litanies) for hours as has been the norm these couple of weeks.

The Master also continued his set of litanies and by nighttime, the two visiting guests left Shaykh as was the usual practice leaving behind Kabir Faye once again, alone with his Master.

That same night, being the end of the week, the doctor in charge came to bid Shaykh bye(farewell) for the weekend to his residence in Cambridge, since there was no work on Saturday and his patient had responded well to post-surgery care. After exchanging pleasantries, he left.

When no one except Kabir Faye was around, Shaykh handed over his best perfume which he was using called al-kalin goma (in Hausa dialect) and also asked Kabir to open their luggage and pull out a white cloth. He asked these to be laid on one side of his ward.

Thereafter, he went into long explanations on how the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was bathed when he departed this world. He also instructed Kabir Faye to remain close to him during all his long conversation.

At Fajr time, they prepared for Salat Subh and Kabir Faye was asked this time to lead the prayers as Imam while he, Shaykh will pray behind him. He told him to recite Ayat al-Kurisiyy after Suratul Fatiah on the first rakah and to recite laqad ja’akum in the like manner on the second rakah.

After the completion of the prayer, the necessary awraads(litanies) were individually made. When it was getting close to 8a.m, Kabir Faye was told to lend in setting him on his bed to take a rest.

Authored by: Ambassador Usman Ahmad Tijani Ibrahim Niasse

Translated & Compiled by: Sayyidah Bilqis Bolajoko Grillo