Our Shuyuks are leading with best examples on Corona.

Imam Tijani Cisse, center, masked and giving instructions in this virus era.
Shaykh Mahi Cisse, left, masked and listening to Imam Tijani in this virus era.
Shaykh Mahi intervening during the virus era.
Shaykh Dahiru Bauchi wearing his mask during the virus era.
Chief Imam Shaykh Sharubutu wearing his mask

Ruhul Adab

The Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

13. Universe and all it contains

The disciple should consider the universe and all that it contains, as dead and concentrate only on the direction of his Shaykh. Indeed, he should offer the Janaaza prayer (that is normally offered for the dead) on the whole of the universe, except his Shaykh. Otherwise, there is the tendency for him to continuously gaze here and there and before he realizes it, his Shaykh is gone and he will then be lost.

14. Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijânî

Shaykh Ahmad Al-Tijânî is the Seal and the Head of all Walis (Saints), and therefore the closest door to the Prophet SAW. The disciple takes the Tarîqa and is guided by his local Shaykh from one position to another, like a traveler that passes from one tollgate to another. If the murid is steadfast, he passes these gates until he meets this excellent and magnificent Shaykh (Shaykh Ahmad Tijânî) who then takes him through a final journey to the Prophet SAW. When he gets to the Prophet SAW, he has gotten to Allah, and his Shaykh will then say to him, ‘Here you are, and this is your Lord.” He is then opened to the reality of things. Indeed Allah is Great, there is none save ALLAH. Complete submission of oneself to the Shaykh also implies submitting to him your important affairs whether it is happiness, fear or grief. Just as Allah punishes a community for the wrong done by a few of them, so does He pour His Mercy on a community for the sake of the righteous servants, for whom he promised neither fear nor grief. That is why in the book, Jawâhir al Ma’ânî, Shaykh Tijânî advises the student or disciple thus: “And run to him (your shaykh) in important affairs for indeed  you shall meet with success at that immediate time”.

To be continued in sha Allah…

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