Official Letter from Imam Tijani Cisse

Ruhul Adab

The Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse `

Personal Opinion

Exercising Personal Opinion (Ijtihad) in Islam on issues not obtainable directly from the Qur’an and the hadith is permissible but with conditions of proper knowledge and sincerity. For this reason, Ijtihad is left specifically to scholars of the highest callibre. The Prophet SAW has promised that: “for a correct Ijtihad made (fulfilling those conditions) two rewards are given, while for an incorrect Ijtihad made (fulfilling these conditions) there is a reward.” But when an ignorant person makes an Ijtihad, he is given a sin, whether correct or incorrect. This is why the Sufis say: “Whoever emulates a scholar meets Allah safely”.

     Besides knowledge, the Shaykh should be pious and hardworking, thereby enjoining guidance to Allah. The Shaykh must also be experienced and able to properly judge affairs before making pronouncement about an issue. As a result, what might seem a wrong decision in our perception might indeed be very correct. That is why the safest thing for a disciple is to simply follow, at all times.

To be continued in sha Allah…

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