Shaykh Baba Lamine in Ghana

Ruhul Adab

The commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

8. The Mind

This is the classroom where the disciple learns discipline and fear of Allah. The teacher in this classroom should be your Shaykh. Shaykh Ibrahim therefore advises that one should always concentrate and focus his attention on the teacher during the Zikr. To do this he must free his mind from every other thing other than Allah, and make it quiet, tranquil and calm. This will enable him to reap the benefit of the lesson-Zikr. Allah says in the Qur’an 18:24 “And remember your Lord whenever you have forgotten (everything except Allah)”.

9. Seeking for a Shaykh

From the above, it is imperative that a murid seeks a Shaykh (teacher) whom he will concentrate his attention on, to attain the benefits of Zikr. If so, what kind of teacher? Shaykh Ibrahim now advises on the kind of teacher to be sought after, and the behavior that should transpire between this student and his acquired teacher.