Shaykh Mahi at Mauritania Conference

May Allah Forgive brother Muhammed. Ameen.

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

7. Good Manners (Piety)

    For a disciple to reach great heights, he must maintain good manners at all times by fearing Allah SWT both openly and secretly. Shaykh Ibrahim has said in another place that all the great Saints of the past achieved their positions by two acts. These (two) are; fear of Allah SWT, and by being vigilant and aware that Allah SWT is observing all of their actions. He further describes piety, or fear of Allah (Taqwa) as carrying out all of the duties Allah SWT has enjoined and distancing oneself from all that has been forbidden by Allah SWT, whether in public or alone. Zikr therefore desires to implant in the murid or disciple the remembrance and from that, the fear of Allah SWT at all times and in all situations. Allah SWT has shown in the magnificent Qur’an, that all needs can be acquired through fear of Allah SWT;