Happy Maulid to our Master Imam Hassan Cisse RTA. We are delighted to celebrate his birth. May Allah continue to be satisfied with him. Ameen.

Imam Hassan, our leader, had attracted tremendous Muslims and non-Muslims throughout his journey in calling to Islam.

His style and leadership have been far unmatched within our contemporary world.

His smile was, and still is, a mark to our mind, satisfaction and good will.

Over four decades ago, a man was brought into the world via one of most illustrious lineages ever known. He is Imam Hassan Ibn Aliu Hassan Cissé Rodiallau ta’ala anhu. He’s the man that’s, certainly without doubt, highly favored and continuously in his lifetime demonstrated wonders. Inspite of been from the streams of two divine Lights (Niasse and Cissé’s) he created his own legacy that has no rivalry. Imam as he’s fondly called by his global admirers and protégés was a man of Generosity and humanitarian works. He used the vessel of Gnosis (ma’rifah) and undiluted passion and love of Muhammad Toha (p.b.h) to navigate his teachings. Permit me to join all the lovers of Imam Hassan Cissé to celebrate his birth, his impacts as well as his legacy from today and the rest of breaths of all mortals till eternity. Happy birthday dear Imam li kull.
-Brother Muhammad Isma’il-