Happy Birthday Shaykh Mahi Cisse

Shaykh Mahi Cisse leading Friday prayer in Madina Baye, Senegal.

According to Sheikh Mahi, Baye Niasse (Shaykh Ibrahima Niasse) said: “The moment you invoke Allah, at that moment you are a wali (saint). That is why you must invoke Allah in any situation, in any place, in appearance as well as in the hidden.”

No one has a more glorious and greater act than the invocation of Allah. So, invocation is the surest way for a Muslim.

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Two deaths in the rank of the Tijani congregation in recently.

  1. Sayyid Abdullah al-Mishry

The son of our teacher Shaykh Al Hajj Al Mishry (حافظه الله) passed away on July 31, 2023. Abdullah Al Mishry is also a descendent of the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) and a grandson of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse and Shaykh Muhammed Al Mishry.

Shaykh Mahi Cisse seen here with Shaykh al-Mishry of Mauritania for the condolences of the death of his son Sayyid Abdullah al-Mishry.

2. Ustaz Ahmed Ba

Late ustaz Ahmed Ba, here visiting Khalif Shaykh Mahi Niasse, passed away on August 8th, 2023. Until his glorious return, he was a Muslim by deeds, ascetic in appearance and ‘Ārif (knower) in wisdom. Loved by the youth and elders of the Tariqa.

Sayyid Ahmed Ba with Shaykh Mahi Cisse.

Words of Wisdom from Shaykh ibn Ata’ Allah

How to cleanse your heart
The aspiration of those who renounce [this world] is to profusely
do good deeds, while the aspiration of the gnosts is to correct
their states [with Allah]
There are four things that will help you in cleansing your
heart: frequent remembrance [of Allah], constant silence,
seclusion, and eating and drinking little.
When those who are oblivious wake in the morning, they
examine their wealth; those who renounce this world and
worship Allah examine their states; and those who have gnosis
of Allah examine their hearts’ [attachment] to Allah.
There is not a breath that Allah brings forth from you, be
it an act of worship, an illness or poverty, except that He wants
to thereby test you. Whoever seeks this world by means of the
Hereafter is like someone who takes a spoon made of ruby to
scoop excrement, how could this person not be regarded a fool?
Do not think that people have been merely deprived of
knowledge: more than that, they have rather been deprived of
divine enablement to obey Him (tawfiq).