August 13th 2008, Imam Hassan passed

Imam Hassan Cisse, few hours before his demise in 2008.
Imam Hassan and Colin Powel in Washington DC, around early 2000’s.
Imam and daughter Amira

My beloved father, our Shaykh, Imam Shaykh Hassan Cisse (ra), emerged as one of preeminent leaders of Tariqa Tijaniyyah. All this he achieved by fearing Allah and by loving and following our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) through the guidance of his beloved grandfather and Shaykh, Molana Shaykh Ebrahim Niasse (ra). Whoever met him loved him, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. He loved people and cared for them. He spent his entire life in their service by spreading the deen of Islam ,building schools and hospitals, and helping them with his wealth, time and sincere advice. He is dearly missed by millions of followers , family and friends. We love and miss him and pray to Allah to be pleased with him bijahi Rasoolullahi (saw). Si barke baye ak Saydi Ameen

Source: Statement posted on FB by Imam’s daughter, Amira Imam Hassan Cisse on 8/13/2021

Imam Hassan with his grandfather and spiritual teacher Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse.

A Book Reading

Islam The Religion of Peace

The Moderation of Islam

The meaning of “moderate” (wasat) here is the
most just course, the way of goodness and excellence, as well
as the middle way between two opposites. Such an
understanding makes clear that Islam is a religion of
moderation, neither tending towards fanatical extremism nor
unraveling distortion. The people of wisdom have said: “Every
praiseworthy virtue has two blameworthy extremes.”
Generosity is thus the middle path between stinginess and
squandering, and bravery is the middle course between
cowardliness and recklessness.
Allah the Most High has described His religion and
sacred law in comparison to others as the balanced path, for
He the Glorified said, “Verily, this is My straight path, so
follow it. Follow not other ways for they will sever you from
His way. This has He commended you, so that you may be
” Qur’ân 6:153 Indeed, Allah described Himself,
exalted is His affair, as being on a straight path, for He said,
Verily my Lord is on a straight path.” Qur’ân 11:56
Just as Islam lauds moderation, it denounces
extremism, distortion, and departing from the middle of the
road. Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, characterizes those who
lack self-restraint in their religion as being on brink of ruin
(harf). The Most High said, “Among mankind is one who
worships Allah on the brink: if good befalls him, he is
content; but if a trial comes to him, he falls on his face,

losing this world and next. And that is an obvious loss.”
Qur’ân 22:11

Pp 26-27

…to be continued in shaa Allah

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