Shaykh Mahi Cisse’s Ramadan Umra 2021

Shaykh Mahi Cisse with fellow murids in Mecca.

Sayyidi Ibrahim Cisse, son of Shaykh Mahi Cisse

Shaykh Mahi and son

Shaykh Mahi walking in the streets of Madina Munawwara.

Shaykh Mahi breaking fast in Madina on 4/28/21

Shaykh Mahi initiating a new murid from India to the Tariqa Tijaniyya. Alhamdulillah.

May Allah guide further the new Murid. Ameen.

News from Madina Kaolack

Khalif General and Chargé d’affaires at the Saudi embassy in Senegal

Chargé d’affaires at the Saudi embassy in Senegal, visiting Medina Baye: ′′ No one doubts the spiritual dimension of Sheikh al Islam.”The cordial and diplomatic relationship between Medina Baye Niass and Saudi Arabia is always at the spotlight, the evidence, the Chargé d ‘ affaires at the Saudi Embassy in Senegal, was this Friday in Medina Baye, for a visit of courtesy and friendship to the Khalife Sheikh Mouhamadoul Mahi Ibrahima NiassHis excellency Mr. Youssouf Djazar is about him, during his speech looks back at the reasons for his move to the religious city of Sheikh al Islam”. Told us News Medina. “As one of the officials at the Saudi embassy in Senegal, we came to Medina Baye, to visit my father Sheikh Mouhamadoul Mahi Ibrahima Niass, whom I describe as the Khalif general of Muslims, the universe, but also to come convey the greetings of king Salmane ben Abdel Aziz guardian of the two Holy Mosques. We take advantage of this visit to make our ziarra to the whole Niasséne community of Medina Baye, I am accompanied by my colleague Consul General Al oustaz Bandar.

Here with Shaykh Abd al-Malik Niasse

The main objective of our visit is to also renew the links between Sheikh Al Islam city and Saudi Arabia, including the founder king Abdel Aziz ben Abderrahman and his heirs sons, who can name King Fayçal and so much others, who have contributed a lot to consolidating this friendship relationship.” Supported the Chargé d’affaires at the Saudi Embassy in Senegal. Continuing his speech, he adds′′ We very well remember that Sheikh ibrahima niass was among the founding members of the World Islamic League. To conclude the Saudi diplomat.Birane Niass.”

Comment posted on FB 5/8/21 from group Senegal Religion.

The Saudi envoy with Imam Tijani Cisse.

A Book Read

The Nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension

When Did The Nocturnal Journey And The Heavenly Ascension Occur? 

According to Az-zuhri: “Allah’s Messenger SAW ascended in spirit from Jerusalem to Heaven one year before his exodus to Madina.” 

According to Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr and substantiated by others: “The time between the Nocturnal Journey and the Hijra [Emigration from Mecca to Madina] was one year and two months.” 

It has also been said that it occurred five months before the Hijra.  

We give preference to the statement that it occurred on the 27th of the month of Rajab in the year before the Hijra, because of the frequency of its appearance in the traditional reports. 

Page 15.

To be continued in sha Allah…

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