Recent Deaths of Some Prominent Tijani Shaykhs

Late Shaykh Bachir Niasse

Shaykh Bachir Niasse was the son of Sayyada Umm Sulayman, daughter of shaykh Ibrahima Niasse. She was said to be the first daughter of Shaykh Ibrahim to marry a Yoruba (a well known Dialect in Nigeria) murid of Shaykh Ibrahima Niasse.

Late Shaykh Faruq bin Shaykh Sani Kafinga of Kano

Shaykh Faruq bin Shaykh malan Sani Kafanga, was the son of the eminent scholar of Kano Shaykh malan Sani who was the first to celebrate the Maulid of the Qutb al Maktum Shaykh Ahmad Tijani RTA in Nigeria.

He built a school complex attended by the children and students of most eminent scholars of the Kano area such as those of Shaykh Abu Sufian RTA. May Allah grant him the highest position in Jannah. Ameen.

Shaykh Kalamu Faydah Jallo, a well known sufi scholar, son of Shaykh Baba Jallo of Ghana.

He had been murdered in March, may Allah accept him as a shahid. Ameen.

This Shaykh and Murid of Shaykh Ibrahim Niass from Ghana had passed away in March of 2021. May Allah forgive him. Ameen.

This fellow Shaykh and Murid of Shaykh Ibrahim had passed away on April 17th of 2021, his name was Shaykh Abubakar al Fulati from Nigeria. May Allah forgive him. Ameen.

Shariff Sidi Ahmad b. Maulana Shaykh ul Hadi from Mauritania, older brother of Khalifa Shaykh Ahmad Tijani Shaykh ul Hadi.

He was one of the last persons dead around the time of this very edition. May Allah forgive them all. Ameen.

A Book Reading

Islam, the Religion of Peace

The Tolerance of Islam for Non-Muslims

Islam’s tolerance for non-Muslims is an established
and legislated reality, as well as a fundamental trait of the
Islamic character. This trait has been exemplified in the Noble
Qur’ân, the authentic Prophetic Sunnah, the righteous guided
successors, and the Muslim community that followed them.
History is the best witness to this. Tolerance with non Muslims manifested in numerous ways and forms. Among
them were the following:

  1. Islam acknowledged the religions of the non-Muslims,
    with the condition that they submitted to the political
    sovereignty of the Muslims (when abiding in the
    Islamic state).
  2. Muslims are permitted to eat meat killed by Jews and
    Christians (ahl al-kitâb), so long as it is not sacrificed
    for other than Allah. It has also been permitted to
    marry the virtuous women among them. Allah said,
    This day have all good things been made lawful for
    you. The food of those who have received the
    Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for
    them. And (lawful to you) are the virtuous women of
    the believers and the virtuous women of those who
    received the Scripture before you, when you give
    them their due dowers and live with them in honor,
    not in fornication, nor taking them as secret
    ” Qur’ân 5:5.
  3. Islam encourages justice with the non-Muslims and
    acting in the best of ways towards them. The Most
    High said, “Allah forbids you not, with regard to 20
    those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you
    out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly
    with them. For Allah loves those who are just.

    Qur’ân 60:8
  4. Islam also allows the non-Muslims (living under
    Muslim rule) to keep their houses of worship, to
    repair those sites that have fallen into ruin, and to
    rebuild what has been pulled down (by miscreants).
    Allah said, “Had not Allah repelled some men by
    means of other men, the monasteries, churches,
    synagogues, and mosques-in which the Name
    of Allah is celebrated abundantly-would surely have
    been pulled down
    .” Qur’ân 22:40 These are just some instances in which Islam’s tolerance
    towards non-Muslims is apparent.

To be continued in Sha Allah.

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