It’s painful to seeing you demise from us yah sheik Muhammad Mnsour mumine the grandson of Inyass RTA
But we accept God will and promise
May God sanctify with your shortcomings and unite you with your ancestors bijahi Muhammad rosululah (s a w)
Forever you will be in our memory
Farewell to you in physical not in spiritual station
(Composed by a Tijani Murid on FB 2/17/21)

Book Study: The Nocturnal Journey and the Heavenly Ascension

According to the hadîth transmitted on the authority of Abu Hurayra, the Prophet (PBUH) said:
I saw myself in a congregation of the Prophets. The time of the ritual prayer arrived, so I led them in the prayer. Then someone said: “O Muhammad, this is Målik, the Keeper of hellfire!” I turned around and he preceded me in the salutation of peace.
According to the traditional account of Abu Hurayra:
Then he traveled until he arrived in Jerusalem. He tethered his riding beast to the rock and performed the ritual prayer together with the angels. When the ritual prayer was concluded, they said: ‘O Gabriel, who is this with you?’ He said, ‘This is Muhammad, Allah’s Messenger (PBUH), the Seal of the prophets!’ They said: ‘Was he sent for? He said: ‘Yes!’ They said: May Allah grant him long life as a brother and a khalîfa (successor), for how excellent is the brother and how excellent is the successor!’ Then they met with the spirits of the Prophets, and the extolled Abraham.
Abu Hurayra related the speech of each one of them, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, David and Solomon. Then he quoted the speech of the Prophet (PBUH) and said, “Muhammad (PBUH), too, extolled his Lord (Almighty and Glorious is He), and then said:
Each one of you has extolled his Lord, and I am extolling my Lord. Praise be to Allah, who has sent me as a mercy for all the worlds, and to provide all human beings with good tidings and admonition; He has sent down to me the Furqan (Criterion), which contains the explanation of everything; He has made my Umma (Community) the very best community; He has made my community a very moderate community; and he has made it so that the members of my Community will consist of those from amongst the first forebears, and from amongst the last generations to come. He has expanded for me my breast, and He has relieved me of my burden. He has exalted for me my estimation and recognition. He has made me an opener and a seal.
“Abraham therefore said: ‘This is your gracious gift, Muhammad!’”
Then he described the Mi’râj (Heavenly Ascension) in a manner similar to what has been related previously.
…to be continued in sha Allah.
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I seek refuge from the devil the accursed. I begin with the blessed Name of Allah the Incomparable majesty, the Essence and the determinant of all affairs. May the perpetual salutations of Allah dwell on forever on the complete mirror of Allah Mohammadul Mustofa solla llahu alaihi wa alihi wa sohbih wa sallam tesliman Amin.
As we are all in deep sober moods upon the lost of our distinguished leaders in toriko and faido. I urge us all to keep up the legacies of our masters and remain resolute to uplift the excellent deeds they’ve enacted. May Allah bless all our past souls and grants us the grace to live for Allah alone. Amin
Your brother: mohamad Ismail Y nyas
Thank you brother!