Sayyada Barakah Ibrahima Niasse has passed away

Sayyada Barakah Ibrahim Niasse
Sayyada Barakah Ibrahim Niasse
SHAYKHAH BARAKAH NIASSE, the righteous daughter of Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (RA) passed away in Senegal. Her noble father named her after Barakah, the African caretaker of our Prophet ﷺ throughout his childhood, and someone he greatly loved. Attached is a the note Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote on her both and naming, and also a letter he wrote to her in her youth saying: “I pray that Allah protect and guide you always on the Straight Path and that He grants you the pleasure of your Husband & your Rabb, and pious children”. AL-FATIHAH! Doc found on Facebook post on Feb 8 2021.

Islam the Religion of Peace

Imam Tijani Cisse

..The Muslim is entrusted-and this is a secret
entrusted to him by his Lord-with sending greetings of peace
on his Prophet (PBUH), on himself, and on the righteous
servants of Allah.
As for the sphere of war and battle: if the word of
peace should be pronounced on the tongue of the enemy
combatant, it is incumbent to stop fighting him. The Most
High said, “When you go out (to fight) in the cause of Allah,
do not say to the one who offers you the greeting of peace,
‘You are not a believer
.’” Qur’ân 4:94.
Allah’s greeting to the believers on the Day of
Judgment is also “Peace.” The Most High said, “Their greeting
on the Day when they meet Him will be ‘Peace.’
” Qur’ân
33:44. And He, Majestic is His affair, also said: “’Peace’- a
word (of salutation) from a Merciful Lord
.” Qur’ân 36:58.
The greetings of the Angels to the human beings in Paradise
will be “Peace.” “And the Angels shall enter unto them from
every gate, saying, ‘Peace be to you
.’” Qur’ân 13:23-24.
There the residence of the righteous will be the abode of
security and peace: “Allah does invite to the abode of
” Qur’ân 10:25. And He said, “For them is the abode of
peace in the presence of their Lord.
” Qur’ân 6:127.
The word “peace” comes in the Qur’ân forty-six
times, and it comes in the specific form of the greeting ten
times. Together this makes fifty-six times in fifty verses from
twenty-eight chapters of the Qur’ân. This is just an indication
of the pre-eternal importance of peace with the Lord of
Islam. By way of comparison, the word “war” is mentioned in
the Noble Qur’ân only six times.
If this is Islam, who then is the Muslim? The best
definition of the Muslim is that presented by the Messenger
of Allah (PBUH) when he said, “The Muslim is the one who
grants others safety from his tongue and hand, and the
Emigrant (muhâjir) is the one who emigrates from what Allah
has prohibited him.

….to be continued in sha Allah.

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