Sayyada Maryam Ibrahim Niasse have passed away.

Shaykh Mahi Cisse and Sayyada Maryam Ibrahim Niass

Islam the Religion of Peace

Imam Tijani Cisse

… It is with heart-opening happiness that I find myself
among you today to speak on a subject of great importance
to all of us: “Islam and Peace”. Especially in these later times,
some find recourse in blind accusations against Islam, linking
it to violence, and other things of which the religion is
innocent. In the following brief exposition, we intend to
demonstrate based on well-established evidence, that Islam
is a religion of virtue and reconciliation toward the whole of
the human race. And in this we seek the help of Allah the
Most High.

Peace in Islam
Peace is certainly one of the basic principles that
Islam has rooted deeply in the souls of Muslims. It has thus
become part of their beings, and an integral doctrine among
their beliefs. The name for this religion-Islam- is derived from
the word Salâm, “Peace.” This
is because peace and Islam are constituent parts in providing
serenity, security, and tranquility. One of the Names of Allah,
glorious and exalted is He, is the Name, “The Peace.” This is
because it is He who provides security to humanity in what
He has legislated among the foundational principles, and in
what He has delineated by way of proscriptions and
procedures. So the one who bears this message is the one
who bears the banner of peace, for it is he who brings to
humankind the direction, the light, the goodness, and the

Peace is the greeting of the Muslims, a greeting that
reconciles hearts, strengthens bonds, and joins man to his
brother man. The generous extension and establishment of
peace throughout the world is a component of faith itself.
Thus, did Allah make this enunciation of peace the greeting of
the Muslims, reminding them that their religion is a religion
of peace and security, that they are the people of serenity
and the lovers of peace. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
“Allah has made peace a greeting for our community, and
reliable trust for the people under the protection of the
Muslims (ahl al-dhimma)”.
A person should not even speak to another person
until he has begun with the greetings of peace. As the
Messenger of Islam (PBUH) said, “Greetings of peace should
precede any conversation.” The reason for this is that Islam is
a guarantee of safety, and there can be no conversation
unless safety is assured.

….. shall continue in sha Allah

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