Imam Hassan Cisse’s Birthday 2020

Islam the Religion of Peace

Islam And Peace

By Imam Cheikh Tidiane Cisse
Imam of the Grand Mosque of Kaolack
Republic of Senegal
Lecture Presented to the Islamic World Conference
Georgia International Convention Center
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
January 14, 2011
Translation from Arabic by Prof. Zakariya Wright

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Praise to Allah, praiseworthy in His Essence, in His
Attributes, in His Names. He it was who honored humankind
with His blessing, His benevolence, and His grace. The Most
High said, “We have honored the children of Adam; provided
them with transportation on land and sea; given them for
sustenance things good and pure; and conferred upon them
special favors above a great part of Our creation.
” Qur’ân
And may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the
perfect human being, the inclusive mercy of Allah, our master
Muhammad. He it was who firmly fixed the laws of this
community of security, that whoever should put them into
practice would be a Muslim and live in peace. Such a person
will treat others with peace and will carry to all the message
of peace.
Indeed, the Prophet was he who commanded us with
beauty in all things, and to all created beings. He informed us
of a woman who was damned for mistreating a cat. She
refused to feed it, nor would she let it go to eat from the
sustenance of the earth. If this is the case for a cat, what of
the one who mistreats a human being?
And may Allah’s blessing and peace also be on the
family of the Prophet, upon his companions, and upon all
those of his community who follow them in righteousness
until the Day of Judgement.
Your excellencies: distinguished ambassadors,
ministers, counselors; distinguished doctors, professors,
scholars; distinguished imams, shaykhs, and Muslims
brethren, each one of you according to your name and title- I
greet you with the most beautiful and pure words: al-Salâm
‘alaykum wa rahmat-Allâh ta ‘ala wa barakâtuh, “Peace unto
you and mercy and blessing of Allah the Most High.”

….shall continue in sha Allah

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