A new Fatima Zahra Cisse is born.

Shaykh Mahi Cisse blessing his newborn granddaughter Fatima Cisse
Sayyada Aisha bint Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
Ms Cisse with Sayyada Aisha bint Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
Ms Cisse with Shaykh Qurayshi b. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
Ibrahim Cisse with friends at his baby’s naming ceremony
Shaykh Mahi blessing Abdoulaye Cisse’s newborn
Abdoulaye Imam Hassan Cisse with his newborn
Shaykh Modu Cisse blessing Abdoulaye Cisse’s newborn

Shaykh Mahi and brother Modu Cisse with other guests

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse.

44. At-Tasbih (Glorification)

“Glorification of Allah morning and evening is recommended in the Noble Qur’an. If one observes it as a service to Allah morning and evening, it serves as protection, erases the sins committed and attracts prosperity for here and the hereafter. To say this whole thing once is enough to forgive all of your sins and keep you safe from the punishment of the fire”.

      Subhana-Llah, wal Hamdu li-llah, wa la ilaha illa-llahu, Allahu Akbar. Wa la haula wa la quwata illa bi-llahi al’Aliyu al- ‘Azeem. Adada ma alima, wa mil’a ma alima, wa zinata ma alima.

       In the Qur’an Allah mentions that we should meditate on each sign, so that men of understanding may receive admonishment.

45. Two RAKATS prayer (for wiping away sins)

Two rakats can be said at night or during the day, (but it is best) in hiding, away from the eyes of the people. The Prophet SAW has said,’ Whoever prays two raka’at in private, where no one sees him except Allah and His angels, Allah will give him a letter or right of safety from hellfire”. Likewise ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib reported that he had heard the Prophet SAW say, “Whoever makes two raka’ts out of belief and expecting the reward of Allah, Allah will write for him one hundred good actions and leave out 100 bad actions and will raise him up one hundred degrees and forgive his sins, the previous and the latest”. And it is reported that whoever makes prayers during the night, his face will look nice during the day.

46. In a Hadith related by Ibn ‘Umar, the Prophet SAW said, “If you lead a blind person for forty steps, paradise becomes due for you”.

47. It was reported in sunnani Abi Daud and Tirmizi and ibn Majah from Bara’i RA, that the Prophet SAW said: “No two Muslims will meet and shake hands with each other unless Allah forgives their sins before they loosen their hands.

To be continued in sha Allah…

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