Happy Birthday Khutbul Maktum Shaykh Ahmad Tijani.

IS CHILDHOOD: In Ain Madhi, a small village located a few kilometers from Laghouat, in the Algerian desert, there was a humble traditional earthen dwelling. In this humble dwelling, lived a young wife who, in a corner of this house and with all the courage for which the women of this region are known, gave […]

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Khalifa Shaykh Mahi Niasse visiting Imam Tijani Cisse.

The Cisses are receiving more condolences for last month’s deaths. Another death, among murids, in Senegal Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse We can also conclude that: God fearing pious servants are blessed with this type of spiritual inspiration. The above conclusions are supported in various places in the Qur’an, as people like the […]

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Happy bday Shaykh Mahi Cisse!

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse 42. Salatul Fatih- The strongest remover of sins The Shaykh mentions the different acts of worship that are effective in removing sins. He advises that the faithful believers should persist in removing their sins and that the strongest of these is the recitation of “Salatul Fatihi”; a particular […]

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