I was preparing to ship a Mobile Clinic that I had secured from a generous donor organization in the USA Doctors for Africa. We were finalizing the acquisition of a truck that would accompany the clinic. He was delighted over the success of a ten year effort to complement the Shifa Al Asqam Socio Medical Clinic mission: access to Healthcare for the people of Senegal. The Clinic, a Billion dollar medicine distribution network and the Mobile outreach. Ya Allah a dream fulfilled. May Allah Perfume his resting place and may we always be able to utter his name and be in his Company. Bijahi Rasulullahi”. This is from a FB post of our sister Hajia Ayisha Jeffries Cisse a dedicated American follower of Imam Hassan.

The Imam designated by Shaykh Ibrahim to succeed Sayyid Ali, Shaykh Hassan became the preeminent representative of the “Tijani Flood” by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. He spread Islam and the Tijaniyya in America, South Africa and numerous other lands. He founded the African American Islamic Institute (AAII), to promote cultural exchange and fulfill educational and health-care needs. He studied in Senegal, Mauritania and Egypt and was awarded an honorary doctorate from al-Azahar University in Cairo.
Imam Hassan Cisse (1945-2008) was an accomplished Islamic scholar, emerging from a long and vibrant legacy of Islamic learning in West Africa. The grandson and spiritual heir of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, he was designated by Shaykh Ibrahim as Imam of the Jama’at Nasr al-Ilm (“Community of Helping Knowledge”), the followers of Shaykh Ibrahim who are historically the largest single Muslim movement in twentieth-century West Africa.
Imam Hassan was a consummate scholar and spiritual guide. He received a complete training in the traditional Islamic sciences: the Qur’an and its exegesis (tafsir), Prophetic traditions (hadith) and history (seerah), jurisprudence and its sources (fiqh and usul), literature (adab), poetry, grammar and Sufism (tasawwuf ). After memorizing the Qur’an at a young age in Mauritania, he was educated mostly in Senegal under the personal supervision of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse, who had gathered in Kaolack, Senegal, some of the most renowned scholars from Senegal, Mauritania, Nigeria, and beyond. These included Shaykh Hassan’s own father, Sidi Ali Cisse, and his mother, Sayyida Fatima Zahra Niasse. The Cisse lineage, originally Mande speakers, is one of the most ancient scholarly groups in West Africa, tracing its conversion to Islam back 1000 years to Kumbe Saleh, one of the great cities of West Africa’s proud history. In many places in West Africa, “Cisse” used to be simply synonymous with “scholar.”
Shaykh Hassan’s own scholarly reputation earned him the respect of Muslim ‘ulama around the world. For example, Shaykh Yasin al-Fadani (d. 1990), the Indonesian musnid of the Hijaz, sent him a personal diploma (ijaza) transmitting some 700 diplomas Shaykh Yasin had collected from prominent scholars throughout the Islamic world. Similarly, the great Hadith scholar of Medina, Shaykh Ahmad Muhammad Abd al-Jawwad, presented him with an ijaza after being instructed to do so in a visionary encounter with the Prophet Muhammad. Shaykh Hassan Cisse himself possessed more than 600 ijazas from Muslim scholar all around the world, the most cherished of which remains that from his grandfather, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse. Although Shaykh Hassan was only thirty at the time of his grandfather’s passing, Shaykh Ibrahim was said to show him special favor from the time of his birth in 1945. In Shaykh Ibrahim’s last will and testament, he recommended his own children to his closest disciple and lifelong companion, Sidi Ali Cisse, and said that they should “be with him as they are with me now.” The will mentions Shaykh Hassan by name as the community’s Imam after his father. Shaykh Hassan was the last to see Shaykh Ibrahim alive.
Besides the “traditional” sciences, Shaykh Hassan also attained high merit in later academic education, completing a B.A. in Islamic Studies and Arabic Literature from Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt) and an M.A. in English from the University of London. Near completion of his PhD in Islamic Studies at Northwestern University (Chicago, IL), his father passed, and Shaykh Hassan was obliged to return to Senegal to assume the imamate in Kaolack. Shaykh Hassan is fluent in Arabic, English, French, Hausa and his native Wolof language.
Shaykh Hassan Cisse continued the work of his grandfather, introducing Islam to thousands and unifying diverse cultures under the banner of Islam. The Shaykh positively affected the lives of many in societies rife with ethnic and religious tensions, such as Nigeria, Mauritania, South Africa and the United States. Shaykh Hassan first came to America in 1976, and since worked tirelessly to promote good-will and positive exchange between Americans and the international Muslim community, emphasizing the essential spirituality and etiquette (Sufism) of Islam to promote individual betterment and real brotherhood. These efforts bore fruit through the founding of the African American Islamic Institute (www.aaii.info), a UN recognized non-governmental organization (NGO) which promotes education, health care, women’s rights, and international exchange and dialogue between America and West Africa. Shaykh Hassan’s social efforts were recognized by several international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Rotary International. He frequently participated in the United Nations annual conference for the world-wide NGO community. He participated in annual United Nations conferences for NGOs and was a frequently invited guest speaker at UNICEF and other UN-sponsored events. His role as an eminent Islamic scholar committed to the real needs of humanity also occasioned his election as President of the recently formed Network of African Islamic Organizations for Population and Development. For an example of his address of international humanitarian concerns from the perspective of an Islamic scholar, see his speech delivered at a 2007 meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia: The Role of Religious Leaders in Polio Eradication. It is also available here in its original Arabic version.
His credentials as an Islamic scholar made him a frequently invited teacher in places such as Nigeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Ghana, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, South Africa, France, Germany, England, the United States and beyond. The famous Azhar University in Egypt honored the Shaykh with an award of “highest distinction” for his activities as a world-renowned Muslim scholar. We thank Allah for his presence among us. As has been said of Shaykh Hassan by a disciple:
Through him the Sunnah has been revived
Through him the flood of Divine grace has remained among us
And people have set out for God group upon group
In him we have grasped a handhold that never breaks.
Shaykh Hassan passed from this world on August 14, 2008. His furneral in Medina-Baye, Kaolack, was attended by over two million people and his departure was mourned by many more around the world. He has been succeeded by his brother and companion, Imam Shaykh Tijani Cisse.
Another Testimony about Imam Hassan Cisse
13/8/2008/ – / 13/8/ 2020
12 years since the departure of Sheikh Hassan Ali Sis.
On this day in 2008, the Islamic Ummah and the Tijani way lost one of its most prominent symbols, a knight of knights, weighed by a thousand men in his time someone who gave Islam great services and in his hand people entered the religion of God in tears and individuality, he was an ambassador For Islam and peace, generosity has never disappointed, who stuck his hope in him, and merciful as father to the poor and the poor.
Here are his highlights:
Born: Sheikh Hassan Ali Sisi was born in Colak, Senegal in December 1945
He is the first grandson of the Sheikh of Islam Haj Ibrahim Anias, son of Sidi Ali Sisi and Fatima Zahra, daughter of Sheikh Ibrahim, may Allah be pleased with them.
His scientific qualifications:
With the honor of Allah, the whole Holy Quran was preserved at the age of ten.
At the hands of his grandfather, Sheikh Ibrahim, he learned the principles of religion and foundations of Arabic.
Bachelor of Arts (Bachelor of Islamic Studies and Islamic Literature), Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
English diploma University of London England.
Diploma of French Language University of London England
Ph.D. researcher entitled ′′ Philosophy in Islamic Studies Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA (Stop)
His effort to pray to Allah:
Sheikh Hassan Sissy appeared as a prominent leader of Islam and the Tijanic way in 1976
Since then he has delivered thousands around the world from Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and others, he has presented the Tajanic way to American Muslims who surrendered on his hands, continued to educate, guide and inspire Muslims to fear Allah and love the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over the years, and on the mediocrity approach, has been ordering favor and ending vice.
Sheikh Hassan Sissy received the following ranks of honor in the United States as an outstanding Islamic scholar and his vision and leadership of the humanitarian action of the American Islamic Prompt.
Key to the city of Washington DC.
June 16, 1986 ′′ Sheikh Hassan Sisi’s Day Washington DC
Key to Detroit City, Michigan.
Key to Memphis, Tennessee
Honorary citizen, Memphis TN.
Honorary member of Memphis City Council, Tennessee.
Sheikh Hassan Sissy Day New Orleans, LA, October 2, 1996
Key to New Orleans, LA.
At the international and African levels, Sheikh Hassan Sisi’s contributions were recognized as follows:
2008 appointed Goodwill Ambassador to promote child survival and breastfeeding by the Senegalese Ministry of Health.
Rotary International award winner 2007.
′′ The Champion of Polio Eradication Award ′′
Key to Banjul City, Gambia.
Appreciation by the United Nations Population Fund, outstanding work and cooperation towards achieving the goals of the Beijing Conferences on Family Planning, Status of Women and Girl Child Education.
Recognized by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for scholarships, leadership, cooperation and advocacy for the elimination of violence against children, drug abuse prevention and other issues vital to children’s health and education.
Education award from the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations. 2002 (WANGO)
Honorary degree ′′ Top Excellence ′′, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Sheikh Hassan Sisi was a keynote speaker at major international conferences held in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States, corrected misconceptions about Islam and encouraged collaborative initiatives with diverse religious traditions to improve living conditions and promote peace.
The following events reflect the nature and scope of Sheikh Hassan Sissy’s commitment to lift the barriers of ignorance, poverty and disease, especially those affecting women and children, through access to education, health care and economic empowerment.
Participation in the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Selected to attend a three hour meeting with the President of South Africa.
Participation in the summit of the International Interfaith Union and World Peace of Islamic World Leaders.
Participation in the symposium on governance and the role of religion in peace and security, UN, New York.
Organization of the Steering Committee for the Formation of the African Islamic Organization for Population and Development.
Participation in the Conference of African Diaspora, Dakar, Senegal
Participation in the conference of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) at which the Africa Islamic Organizations Network for Population and Development was established and elected President of the Institute-Abuja, Nigeria.
Organization and leadership of the conference ′′ Islam and Anti-Terrorism ′′ Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Kumasi, Ghana
Participate in meetings with the US Department of State to showcase the real truth of Islam and the role of Islam from a Sufi perspective as a way to combat extremism and international terrorism.
Participated in OIC Health Ministers Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan to work towards polio eradication in Africa.
Sheikh Hassan Sissy continues to be a lighthouse that lights up the Institute’s educational programs.
His vision and determination to provide healthcare for children and adults in severely deficient rural communities have led to the establishment of the Institute’s Disease Healing Clinic (Sick Healing).
His death: Imam and fiance Sheikh Hassan Ali Sis, may Allah be pleased with him, died 13/8/2008 The news was like a thunderbolt on top of followers and lovers. On this day the nation lost a man of God the world and the pure piety, may Allah have mercy on him.
Maulana Shaykh Sufian

This is one of our prominent shuyukhs of our century, he lived a life of blessings (barakat) and scholarship. He lived in the suburbs of Kano in Nigeria and was known for his generosity with no equal in the area. He used to joke that “Negativity or poverty” was created after he was born; meaning if a person come poor to him, they will leave satisfied because he was so generous that he rarely say that “I don’t have”. He was a person drowned in the love of the Prophet SAW that he cannot meet a sharif (descendant of the Prophet) without befriending them and showering them with gifts. He was one of the most knowledgeable students of Shaykh Ibrahim Niass in Nigeria in our time, he passed away 2018, exactly 10 years after his friend and companion Imam Hassan Cisse.
He wrote numerous books and visited the Prophet SAW more than 50 times during his prosperous life, may Allah continue blessing him and may Allah benefit us from his knowledge, teachings and adab. Ameen.

Ruhul Adab
Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse
40. Friendship and Companionship
The type of friend a person moves with is a strong factor that influences his habits. Friendship is like a contagious disease that’s contracted by being close. If the friend is good, you become good, and if bad, you tend to be bad. Allah says in the Qur’an 9:119 “O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true”. The Prophet ﷺ said in a reported Hadith: “A person is with whom he loves.” Even if a close relative is not of good behavior, it is advisable to distance oneself and only follow the ones with faith and good behavior. Allah says in the Qur’an 52:21 “And those who believed and whose descendants followed them in faith – We will join with them their descendants, and We will not deprive them of anything of their deeds”. The Prophet SAW said: “I am the father of every God-fearing person.” Therefore, the best friend and parent to be followed by a believer should be the Prophet ﷺ and those close to the Prophet SAW. Allah also warned against sitting in the midst of bad people, and to abandon a group immediately if it becomes a bad group. Allah said in the Qur’an 6:68 “Then do not remain after the reminder with the wrongdoing people”.
To be continued in sha Allah…
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