Condolences for Shaykhs Tijani and Mukhtar Niasse

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan. 41. The Hereafter The Shaykh now stresses the need for a believer who knows Allah, to always remember the Hereafter with respect to the different events, bitterness and happiness that is obtained there. One of the important events of that Day is the weighing of everyone’s doings on a […]

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Imam Hassan Cisse Passing Anniversary

SHAYKH HASSAN CISSE (B. 1945, MEDINA-BAYE KAOLACK; D. 2008, MEDINA-BAYE KAOLACK, SENEGAL). The Imam designated by Shaykh Ibrahim to succeed Sayyid Ali, Shaykh Hassan became the preeminent representative of the “Tijani Flood” by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. He spread Islam and the Tijaniyya in America, South […]

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General Khalif Shaykh Tijani Niasse Just died

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassane Cisse 39. Night Vigil The author advises that the Knower of Allah should, as a part of showing thanks to Allah, always keep the Night Vigil. During which time he prays and seeks for Allah’s forgiveness and blessings. Allah has favored the prophet ﷺ and forgiven him all his […]

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Eid Mubarak 2020 from Madina Baye

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassane Cisse. 37. Maintenance and Increasing Faith After knowing Allah, the student has achieved and has been most blessed. What remains is for him to maintain this position. It is like a seed that was planted and by Allah’s will grows. For this to have perfect growth, it must be […]

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