Official Letter from Imam Tijani Cisse

Ruhul Adab The Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse ` Personal Opinion Exercising Personal Opinion (Ijtihad) in Islam on issues not obtainable directly from the Qur’an and the hadith is permissible but with conditions of proper knowledge and sincerity. For this reason, Ijtihad is left specifically to scholars of the highest callibre. The Prophet SAW has […]

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Imam Tijani Cisse prayers against CoronaVirus.

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Complete Submission Complete Submission is very important in Islam. Allah says in the Qur’an 2:208 “Oh you believers, enter into Islam completely (i.e whole-heartedly).” In another place Allah says, Qur’an (4:59) “Obey Allah and obey the Prophet and the leaders among you.” Obedience must therefore be 100% not 50/50 […]

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Maulud of sheikh Ibrahima Niasse in Taiba, Senegal

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse Among the great Jihadists of Islam that engaged in just struggles, were Shaykh Uthman bin Fodio of the Tarîqa Qadiriyya, who led the Northern Nigerian Jihad from 1804-1808. Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jaza-iri of Algeria who fought against the French colonialist from 1832-1847. Shaykh Alhaji Umar Tal Al-Fûtî of […]

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Shaykh Mahi receiving professors from Egypt.

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Righteous Leader or Shaykh The murid or disciple in reality seeks the countenance of Allah. This countenance of Allah has a gate, which is the Prophet SAW, the countenance of the Prophet SAW also has a gate, which is the Shaykh. Allah says in the Qur’an 3:31 “If you […]

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