Imam Tijani in Ghana over the weekend

Biggest attendance of Jummah Zikr in Senegal.

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan

     If you are seeking knowledge, Allah says: Qur’an 2:282 “And fear Allah and you shall be taught by Allah and Allah knows everything.”

     If you seek prosperity in this world and in the hereafter, Allah says in the Qur’an 2:189 “And fear Allah that you may prosper.”

     If you seek to attain virtue, Allah says: Qur’an 2:189 “It is virtue if ye fear (Allah)

     If you want to be among the Saints (Walis) of Allah, Allah says in the Qur’an 10:62 “Oh yes, indeed on the Friends (Walis) of Allah, there shall be no fear nor will they grieve. They are those who believe and always feared Allah”

     If you love to be with Allah at all times, Allah says, Qur’an 16:128 “Surely Allah is with those who restrain themselves (for fear of Him) and those who do good.”

     If however, you have erred and desire forgiveness and then reward, Allah says: Qur’an 65:5 “Whoever fears Allah, He will wipe from him his evil doings and magnify for him in rewards.”

     If one is seeking a way our of distress, Allah says: Qur’an 65:2 “And whosoever fears Allah, He makes for him a way out (of distress).”

     If one’s affairs become difficult and one seeks for an easy path, Allah says:Qur’an 65:4 “And whoever fears Allah, He creates easiness for him in his affairs.”

     Finally, in addition to all of the above, the one that fears Allah is always provided with sustenance and wealth from places unimaginable. Allah says: Qur’an 65:3 “Whoever fears Allah, He provides for him an opening (from his distress). And He provides him with sustenance and wealth from sources he never imagined.”

     The above is why the excellent Shaykh’s advice, at the time of reciting the litanies (wird) of the Tarîqa, is to be (self) disciplined and in constant fear of Allah. However, these two things are very difficult to acquire, and that is why in the nest verses he goes ahead to explain how these can be acquired.

To be continued in sha Allah……