Shaykh Mahi at Mauritania Conference

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse 7. Good Manners (Piety)     For a disciple to reach great heights, he must maintain good manners at all times by fearing Allah SWT both openly and secretly. Shaykh Ibrahim has said in another place that all the great Saints of the past achieved their positions by two […]

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Shaykh Mahi in Côte d’Ivoire

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan 5. Conditions of Taking Tarîqa Tijâniyya    The First and most important of the conditions is that one must commit himself to it until death. Allah says in the Qur’an 15:99 “And worship your Lord until there comes to you the hour of certainty.”           The Prophet SAW says […]

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Both Cissés have landed in Nigeria.

Ruhul Adab Commentary of Imam Hassan Cissé Sufism is a spiritual clinic with doctors who have knowledge of attending to ailments of the soul. For a sick patient that requires cures and doses of medicine from the clinic, there is the need for him to make a declaration of his sickness and acceptance of patient-hood. […]

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