Shaykh Mahi Hosted a Conference in Seattle.

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse

Allah has also warned that we should not be among those that forget Him, as in the Qur’an 59:19 “And do not be like those who forget Allah and He made them forget their own souls. Those are indeed the transgressors.” Thus only the hypocrite and transgressor forgets Allah, and in this case Allah also forgets them. Because of their forgetfulness, it is doom after doom for them, day-in and day-out in this world. In the Hereafter, their rightful place shall be hell. May Allah SWT save us from this (Ameen). But if you remember Allah, Allah remembers you; which means He will help you, assist you, and give you victory in both your spiritual and mundane affairs. There are many ways of remembering Allah, but the best way is what Shaykh Ahmad tijânî has enjoined in calling Muslims to the path of Allah. The Prophet SAW himself has said: “The best that has been said by myself and the previous Prophets before me, is ‘La ilah illa Llah’ there is no deity besides Allah”. In a Holy Hadith (Hadith Qudsi), Allah SWT told the Prophet SAW “La ilaha illa-Llah is My fortress (protection), whoever enters my fortress is saved from My punishment”. It is therefore abhorrent and disgusting for any Muslim to advise a fellow Muslim not to say La ilaha illa-Llah. Thus the Tarîqa that advises Muslims to practice this is simply putting them on the path of the Prophet SAW and towards obedience of Allah SWT.

(To be continued insha Allah)