Shaykh Mahi Heading to Seattle.

Ruhul Adab

Commentary of Imam Hassan Cisse.


           This is the second article of the Tarîqa and it means, to offer prayers on the beloved Prophet SAW. Anyone who exercises mind very well, knows that the Prophet SAW does not need our prayers, not even in the least. For Allah, Glorious is His name, has completed His blessings and favors upon him and made him a Mercy to the universe. Allah says in the Qur’an 93:5 “And soon shall you be given by your Lord (favors of such magnitude) that you will be pleased” and in Qur’an 48:2 Allah says: “And He shall complete His favors on you and guide you on the straight path”. And Allah said in Qur’an 5:4 “Today have I perfected for you, your religion and completed my favor upon you and pleased to have Islam as your chosen religion.” Besides these, the Prophet SAW himself said: “I am the distributor while Allah is the One that Gives”. Contemplating on the above verse, we find that not only has the Prophet SAW acquired all favors from Allah, but any other favor that is due to any other creation passes through him for distribution. What then, can the creation ask, for he who distributes? If so…why then do we offer prayers on the Prophet SAW? We do this only to multiply our expectations of favors from Allah. It is just like a pauper who visits the king with a gift of a small piece of bread so as to attract the sympathy and love of the king, thereby multiplying his expectations. The king’s gift in return is always far better than the pauper’s worthless gift. The Prophet SAW said: “Anyone who makes one Salât (prayer) on me, Allah SWT makes ten for him. When he makes ten for me, Allah SWT makes a hundred for him. When he makes a hundred for me, Allah SWT makes a thousand for him and if he makes a thousand for me, he shall be shoulder to shoulder with me at the gate of the Paradise.” In another narration: “It will be written for him- safety form hypocrisy, safety from hell-fire, and safety from punishment.” Who knows the value of one Salât of Allah upon his servant, not to mention ten or a hundred or even one thousand? To attempt to value this is to value the work of Allah and its reward as compared to that of His servant. Indeed glory be to Allah Who differs form His creatures in every respect, essence, nature or work. Here therefore lies the secret and cornerstone of making Salât (prayer) on the Prophet SAW. One Salât of Allah is more than enough to turn the hell-fire into ice.

       What a beautiful profession, that Allah SWT and His angels partake in, alongside the faithful servants, male and female. Allah says in the Qur’an 33:56 “Verily Allah and His angels are sending blessings on the Prophet, Oh you who believe, send Salats on him and salutations with all respect.” The second article of the Tarîqa Tijâniyya is therefore a work in which Allah SWT and His angels are participating, and for a poor servant of Allah this makes it a finished affair.

(To be continued…)