Shaykh Mahi landed in New York City.

Shaykh Mahi Cisse landed in New York City on Thrursday December 12, for the Ziara of Imam Hassan Cisse.

Ruhul Adab

3. Tarîqa Tijâniyya

     This means the call to the path of the Prophet SAW by Shaykh Ahmad Tijâni RA. This call enjoins the Muslims to hearken to the path of the Prophet SAW by holding strongly to the three articles, without which the Islamic practices could never be properly established. These three articles are:

  1. Seeking forgiveness from Allah for our sins (Astaghfirullah)
  2. Offering prayers (Salât alâ-Nabi) upon our beloved Prophet SAW.
  3. Remembering Allah TA through the ZIKR of LAILAHA ILL ALLAH-There is no god besides Allah.

The practice of these three articles have been emphasized in the Qur’an and Hadith, as explained below:


Seeking forgiveness from Allah. In the Qur’an 110:3, Allah commands:

And seek for His forgiveness for He is always forgiving

Concerning the above command, the Mother of the Faithful Ayesha RA said, the Prophet SAW never offered prayer after this verse was revealed except, he says: “My Lord, I glorify and praise You, Oh Allah forgive me.”

Allah also said in the Qur’an 3:135

      “And those who, when they commit shameful acts and wrong their souls, and then remember Allah quickly seek forgiveness from their sins- And who can forgive sins except Allah? And after this they don’t obstinately persist in the act knowingly.”

(To be continued…)