Arrival of the Khalif General in Morocco.


The Mufti of Palestine is expected to be in Medina Baye soon Insha Allah.

Ruhul Adab

                                           The Commentary

1.  Al-Hajj Abdullahi is the father of the author. He was a great and celebrated scholar of his time. Eminent scholars have written many of biographies about him. The following is one of the more comprehensive accounts that have been written about Shaykh Ibrahim. It was written by the great historian Muhammad Abdullah Al-Alawi Al-Tashitee in his biography called “Al-Hajj Abdullahi the son of Muhammad and father of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse”. He related that: “Al-Hajj Abdullahi from his youth had an excellent pattern of life not common among the young. As a boy he had manners that encompassed humility, patience, quietness and intelligence. He is reported to have committed to memory at first sight, the entire portion of the Qur’an that was written on the slate for him. later on, anything that he read, he committed to memory at first sight. Al-Hajj Abdullahi would always cling to his father so as not to miss any lessons, particularly the commentary (Tafsîr) of the Qur’an. On the orders of his father, he later traveled to neighboring countries to study, even after some of his teachers humbled themselves to become his students, quoting that Imam Malik used to be accepted by his teachers as superior in knowledge”.

(To be continued…)