Jummat Mubarak Nov 8

Our Imam, Imam al-Akbar Shaykh Hassan Cisse RTA, may Allah be satisfied with him. Ameen.
Shaykh Mahi Cisse went to France to visit his hospitalized uncle Shaykh Tijani Niasse RTA.

Ruhul Adab

113.    For God chooses for His grace whom He will

            And God is the Possessor of tremendous grace and the Willer

114.    Regarding this, has said the illustrious one

            The servant of TaHa, the Mâlikî, Ahmad

115.     One does not acquire, only by virtue of a black body

             The silliness of youth or bad understanding

116.      My Lord! My Lord! By the merit of the Guide

              Ward off from us all of the evil of my enemy

117.      And bless us with complete gnosis

              And every desire by the Best of ‘Adnân

118.       And cover our faults with Your beautiful veil

               And overpower our enemies with your Exalted force

119.       All praise is to God! Who had rendered

               Easy my power and He is the best Guardian

120.       Thereafter blessings along with choice salutations

                 Upon the Prophet, the Chosen One, the Best of mankind

121.         Upon him and his righteous family and companions

                   As long as the constantly patient obtains gnosis